Chapter 17

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" kook this isn't funny" Taehyung deadpanned. He stopped mid-track, mouth agape and brows furrowed, clearly not buying it.

"Mountain hiking kook, seriously? Out of all the places you had to choose this."
Taehyung whined aloud not caring about being too loud for the early morning.

"Babe it's good for your health. C'mon you'll miss something beautiful." He gestured him to hold his hand. Taehyung wore a black turtle neck sweater giving him tiny sweater paws, fluffy brunette locks tucked in a pink beanie.

"I can't climb kookie...It's not even goddamn six in the morning. You woke me up for this? Really?" Taehyung sat down on the ground, whining loud because who the hell likes to wake up this early in the morning for hiking.

Jungkook just laughed at his puerile tantrums " Baby it's not that far. You'll miss the sunrise. C'mon, get up. Hold my hand I'll help you."

Taehyung relentlessly stood up holding his hand but with a pout on his face. It was adorable. His nose and cheeks coloured pink, matching his pink beannie. As it was too soon for the sunrise, the weather was cold enough.

"I told you to wear something more warm, look now you are shivering." Jungkook took off his black padded jacket, helping Taehyung to wear it.

Taehyung entwined his hand with Jungkook and held it inside his Jacket for warmth because the weather was really brisk and Jungkook had only a thin grey sweater donned.

" You gave it to me intentionally right, so that I walk beside you." Taehyung said with eyes narrowed in playful accusation. Jungkook giggled at that, drawing him closer and pecking his lips softly.

 Jungkook giggled at that, drawing him closer and pecking his lips softly

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"Wahhhhhhhhh....." Taehyung stood stunned, eyes glimmering with iridescent colours reflected by the sky. City still calm and asleep but the sky was awake, wide awake with orangish yellow hue and a tinge of blue spread across the sky. Expansion of clouds all over the sky giving out a Halo look because of the mighty sun rising up. The radiant sun warming up the air around them along with the warmth on his back as Jungkook held him from behind which was like a cherry on top. Tall thick trees around them bathing in the sunlight making the atmosphere calm and tranquil.

"I knew you would love it. But your whiny ass sometimes make it difficult for me to be confident." He said, kissing the pout  on Taehyung's lips away.

Taehyung hit him on the chest with his elbow, making Jungkook gasp dramatically only to kiss him again deeply. It's good to have a different morning from their regular groggy morning where they both just want to cuddle and not leave the warmth of the bed.

It's not like they could skip work though. Work is inevitable especially being at a position makes it almost impossible. But Jungkook tries to get few moments to spend it with Taehyung. Working together is like a bonus for them, Taehyung drops by his cabin for at least five times a day. And he is thankful for it because that's what keeps him clear-headed. That's what keeps him sane.


It's the very first time that they had to wait for a coffee this long at their office cafeteria. Staff told them that new employees were recruited as old ones were granted vacation after very long.

Jungkook was however getting irritated because he had pile of files to be checked before going home. Taehyung was having a good time watching an annoyed Jungkook though. A brat.
He was smiling wide often showing his boxy grin when Jungkook would look at him unamused.

"I'm never coming here again." Jungkook sighed hard, hands brushing his locks back from his face. Taehyung loves it when those sharp brows of Jungkook are on fleek - emanating a dominant aura. And when they are furrowed, Taehyung swears he may die from it one day.

Taehyung giggled at that quietly, pursing his lips to mask his amused expression. Both were way too busy in their own world to not notice a person boring holes at Taehyung. A man of somewhat Taehyung's age, average height but shorter than Taehyung was staring hard for quite a while now. He had faded blonde hairs just like Taehyung with almond eyes and plump lips. The man wasn't just staring Taehyung  but was studying him minutely.

The man was shoved a tray at the counter to serve at the table he was staring for a long time. He went to the table hesistantly even though he wasn't sure if the person he was looking at, was the person he suspected.

"Sir,.... S....sorry for the inconvenience.... Here's your Americano." The man placed the order at the table, head hanging low but eyeing Taehyung secretly.

"Ah ... It's okay. Thank you." Taehyung waved at him gesturing him that it was okay.

The person expected Taehyung to react after seeing his face but none of it came.
Taehyung just went back to talking to Jungkook. Confused that he might have mistaken him for his childhood friend, he left without bothering him.

"Tae we have to go to the police station today. They are asking for your statement. Be ready by the evening we'll go straight from the office, okay."

"Yep." Taehyung was still unsure of the situation. Sipping on his coffee, he really couldn't believe he talked to a complete stranger for months and he didn't even suspect anything odd any sooner.  Even if he did sometimes, it wasn't so strong for him to clear his doubts.


"Don't worry much about it babe. Just tell them how it happened. They'll ask you questions you'll just have to answer them. Don't stress about it." Jungkook placed his hand on Taehyung's thighs to comfort his anxious state of mind.

Taehyung went mute once he seated beside Jungkook. Palms sweating he didn't know why he felt so anxious, maybe because he'll meet this stranger who he thought was Jimin until now. Or, that people won't believe him because he didn't suspect anything off for almost eight month of talks. He was the one to contact him first, he was the one who was persistent to believe that the imposter was Jimin when he clearly said him first that he wasn't. All the fingers were pointed against him just because he wasn't alert enough to notice odds.

Jungkook stayed by his side and it really helped him answer questions bombarded at him. He was nervous but Jungkook assured him time to time that he was right and he didn't do anything wrong.

"Okay let's just meet the guy you been talking to." Taehyung hesitated to meet the stranger but went relentlessly. The stranger who fooled him for months.
The stranger who pretended to be his best friend. The stranger who used him for his own benefits.

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