Chapter 24

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The area where Taehyung lived was on the outskirts of the Main city. It emitted more of a countryside vibe, helping Jungkook to calm down a little. But it all proved to be momentary once he reached his destination.

Jungkook couldn't find the address he was given. The address landed him to a ranch house completely abandoned. Thinking he might have mistaken the address , he decided to walk up to the neighborhood.

A woman in her middle age opened the door, having a puzzled look on her face on seeing a stranger by her door.

"Yes Mister, you need any help?" The woman asked suspiciously looking at the stranger.

" Actually I couldn't find this address. I accidentally got landed up at this abandoned house nearby. Can you help me?" Jungkook asked politely to the woman, showing her the address on his phone.

" Kim house?" The puzzled look appeared back again on her face.

"Ahh...yeah.. I couldn't find the address."

" Mister you landed up at right address. That abandoned house is Kim house. No one lives there. Only one person used to live there but he left months ago."

"Taehyung?" Jungkook blurted when he heard about someone living there months ago. But in an abandoned house?

"Yes. He lived there months ago. But who are you?" The women asked, eyeing Jungkook suspiciously.

Taehyung lived in that place? but why? Jungkook had only walked by the place, but even he could tell that the place seemed like it was abandoned for years. Then why was he living there and where was his family living?

"Actually...I am his boyfriend. I wanted to see his parents."

The woman stood eerily quite for a moment, then bursting out loud in laughter the moment later. Jungkook stood their puzzled. The patience to get answers for his unasked questions was running thin but he had to control himself.

The woman still kept on laughing, gasping for air.
" You are talking about that cracked fellow? That fellow has a family?!"

" Luna who is it ?" A man probably her husband came up to the door, hearing her obnoxious laugh.

"He says he is Taehyung's boyfriend. And Taehyung has a family."
The man glared at his wife, making her shut her mouth and leave both of them alone.

"You know Taehyung? You are Taehyung's boyfriend?"

"Yes sir.. can you please tell me about his family, its really important for me to know." Jungkook pleaded.

"I should have known better, Taehyung might still be thinking that his family is alive."


The only worst thing that Jungkook could have imagined when he came to know about Taehyung living in the abandoned place was that his parents might have left him as like as Jimin left him. But revelation of Taehyung's parents being dead shook Jungkook to the core. It was something Jungkook couldn't imagine all his life even in his wildest dreams. Taehyung lived as if everything was normal and good. He forced himself to live in a lie, what would have been more painful then that. Taehyung always shared about his parents to him. He told Jungkook about his mom being so loving and caring. Jungkook always envied him for having an ideal mom which he never had, only to know that Taehyung's mom didn't exist? Taehyung didn't talk much about his step dad to Jungkook and Jungkook never asked him why. He only knew that his dad didn't like him much but that was it. Taehyung never spoke Ill about his step dad, he only gave Jungkook a sad smile when he talked about him.

Jungkook remembered how Taehyung would never stop talking about his mom, about her nature, about her unconditional love for him. Thinking about all of the things that Taehyung shared with him, only made Jungkook's heart bleed even more for his love. It pained Jungkook to even imagine Taehyung's childhood, how he narrated Jungkook about his childhood and how it turned out to be. Till this date Jungkook believed that Taehyung had a best life back in his hometown and he only suffered bad days in Seoul but how wrong he was. Reality was, Taehyung suffered worse in Daegu but not much to his knowledge as he chose to live in his own world of lies. The condition of Taehyung now, no wonder was the consequence of his traumatic past.

"Taehyung's parents died when he was still in his early secondary classes. He was still young and naive "

" did they die?" Jungkook voiced lowly, but high enough for the man to hear.

"Apparently it was reported as an accidental death but then they suspected other possibilities too but every possibility was ruled out. Taehyung was the only witness but he wasn't in the state to testify. And then later he was considered not eligible as a witness so Police closed the case."

"Taehyung wasn't eligible for testifying?"

"Yes. He refused to believe his mom died after few days of her death. Police thought it was just because of the trauma but then it turned out to be serious. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia ."

Jungkook understood that Taehyung's condition only worsened after his mom's death. Jimin left Taehyung before his mom died otherwise Jimin would have known it. He would have been there for him.

" Didn't Taehyung go to his relatives after his parent's death? He had his grandma."

"I don't know about it. I only knew his grandma. He would always go there for his vacations. She took him along with her but then Taehyung returned to his wrecked house after few months. He didn't talk much to anybody once he returned. That's why I don't know much about what happened to him after his mom's death. He lived all by himself. Actually her grandma can help you, she knows better. I can give you her address if you want."


The ranch house he walked by seemed to be abandoned for years. The same ranch house was distributed in two different states - one side of the house was totally damaged. The windows were non-existent, walls half collapsed and charred black as if the house was the  victim of a blazing fire. That side of the house had barren backyard until the fence, indicating that the whole area was set ablaze. But the other side of the house seemed habitable comparatively. Glass windows were still intact but drowned in layers of dust. Walls were weak indicating that it was not spared from the damage. The green creepers were masking the walls and bushes surrounding the area grew haphazardly like the backyard was neglected for years. The wooden door had it's edges chipped off failing badly to guard the house. It was strange to see two different states of the same house. One side of the house was heavily tormented while the other side seemed habitable but totally neglected.

Fear and worry began to creep into Jungkook's mind, looking at the condition of the house. He was desperate to know the story behind the half burnt house and a young naive witness.


"Mom you awake? Someone came to meet you."

Jungkook visited Taehyung's grandma in Geochang. She was bedridden - age clearly the factor for her condition. Jungkook was in desperate need of the answers so he didn't think twice to visit her the same day. He had to head back to Seoul before the night for Taehyung. Even if Taehyung wasn't talking to him, Jungkook knew Taehyung expects him home.

The old lady opened her eyes to see a young tall man eagerly waiting outside her room.

Jungkook entered her room once he was allowed by the man probably Taehyung's uncle.

" Dear.... I don't recognize you?  I know you?" The old woman coughed in between, she wasn't in her best state.

" Uhmm don't know me ahjumoni.. but... you know my boyfriend very well. Kim Taehyung."

Hurt flashed across her face instantly as she heard her grandson's name. Jungkook could see her eyes glinting in tears. It only made Jungkook worry about the situation. The closer he went to the matter, severe the matter appeared. He don't know if he could handle much information about Taehyung because the news of Taehyung's parents being dead already had him shook.

"Ahhh... My Taetae...." And she started to wail as she recollected something dreadful, something terrible. Jungkook stood there on the edge, clearly not ready to hear anything terrible. He just hoped that his heart could bear the pain . Just hoped that Taehyung didn't suffer much. Only if he knew....

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