Chapter 15

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It wasn't helping at all. The air around the narrow filthy alley-way stinking but it was the only place where Namjoon could drag the culprit out of the club before Jungkook could cause any ruckus inside.

Jungkook sat down, knees bent and hands grabbing his hair as he was lying on the edge of sanity.

"It wasn't me who texted your boyfriend first.." The voice came from the supposed culprit lying on the floor, with a broken nose and a teeth. Mouth painted red, he struggled to speak but didn't stop to justify himself.

"It was your boyfriend who texted me 8 months ago.. even when I said I'm not Jimin, he spammed texts and calls telling me not to be angry for leaving me. I was confused as hell at the start but he kept on telling me about him so I thought of playing along with it. Mostly I used to be drunk to hear his shit. I talked to him as..... J.. Jimin. Few weeks later I wanted money for drinking so I asked him by chance he might prove to be helpful for me and he actually sent money without any hesitation. So.. I....I  thought it was a good way to make money. Then I k... kept on playing with him."

Jungkook was mentally exhausted but he wanted to hear whatever explanation the man gave. As Namjoon said him that after checking their records it was actually Taehyung texting him, he could not defend furthermore. So he opted for listening.

"He told me about his boyfriend. I got to know that he was filthy rich so I planned of s... swindling him.. I made up a story on what I knew from him and called him but he was not ready to do it, I had to force him by blackmailing him emotionally...."

Jungkook grabbed his collar again, eyes filled with rage, yanked him off the ground " So what you said about Taehyung being a cheat was a lie to escape."

The culprit just nodded just to be smashed down back to the ground.

The situation was getting messier. The moment Jungkook felt he can reach the end of the situation it only got more complicated. Why would Taehyung call a random person and address him as Jimin? Why would he be so persistent on calling him Jimin? Did he really not know this imposter wasn't Jimin?

Jungkook glanced at the imposter to see if he was making up all this but, he might not be lying now at this point when he is already wrecked.

He brushed his fingers through his hair because  he couldn't draw  any conclusions out of it. Only Taehyung can lead him to the end. Lead him to the end of the confusion.

Orange hues of the sun pierced slowly through the darkness, making surrounding come to life after a deep sleep. Sun rays illuminated the sky with vibrant hot hues, making the air warm and relaxing. There was no use of wringing out the truth out of this person. But he still was a criminal so Jungkook agreed on filing complaint against the man.

Jungkook came back home, thinking how he can tell Taehyung about last night. Should he really confront him because he is the only one who could put an end to all of the chaos. He is the only one to set Jungkook free from the chaos.

Jungkook opened the door carefully, it was still too early to wake up. The living area was still the same as he left, his bag and coat on the couch and lights still switched on. Taehyung might have not come outside after their argument. Jungkook bit his lips feeling guilty about his reckless behavior and the words he shouldn't have said. He opened the door to bedroom carefully, afraid he would wake Taehyung up. He might have cried all night to sleep.

As the door creaked open, Jungkook heared a gasp from the corner of the room. The room  was dark and unventilated, curtains shut letting no light from the window coming in, it was suffocating in there. Jungkook turned his gaze towards the direction of the voice, eyes adjusting to the poorly lit room.

Finally  he saw Taehyung  crouched down at the corner, hairs disheveled from grabbing it again and again maybe, eyes shooted red from crying all night, tear stained cheeks and lips bleeding from biting it hard. His arms were wrapped around his knees decorated with numerous red marks of his fingernails and still onto the skin piercing it even more. Taehyung wasn't in his clothes he wore last night, it was Jungkook's shirt he held last night on to his chest.

"Baby?" Jungkook whispered afraid. Guilt eating him from within, he can't bring himself to speak anything but sorry. Sorry for leaving him. Sorry because he never left Taehyung alone at nights. Sorry for disappointing him because he promised him he would never leave him alone ever.

Taehyung realized that he wasn't dreaming and Jungkook came back to him. He attempted to stand hastily only to fall down on his knees back again as he couldn't feel his legs right now. Jungkook came to his rescue, coming out of his daze. Arms holding Taehyung, eyes searching for his eyes. Searching for his Taehyung, his cheerful boyfriend. But how can he expect that Taehyung now.

"K...k..kookie you came back? Are you here r...right now with You came b...back for me? are not angry with me? " Taehyung asked even if his dry throat was killing him. Fresh tears were incoming , glistening on his cheeks yet again.

Jungkook just nodded trying to put a smile on his face to make Taehyung feel better. But he only failed as tears welled up in his own eyes. He didn't dare to speak because he couldn't trust himself with words right now. Emotions were bursting out loud through his eyes expecting Taehyung to understand him. He wanted Taehyung to know that he was sorry. Sorry for leaving him in the middle of the argument. Sorry for giving up on clearing their misunderstandings so soon.

How stupid was he to even think that Taehyung didn't love him much. How stupid of him to underestimate Taehyung's love for him. How did he forget that Taehyung  always wanted him as much as Jungkook wanted him. They were each other's solace, their comfort, their home, their everything.

Jungkook wiped his tears, kissing Taehyung deeply as if there was no tomorrow, wanting to love him as if there was no tomorrow. Taehyung eventually relaxed  in his arms. Head resting on his shoulder, cheeks flushed against Jungkook's chest, he breathed evenly. Taehyung fell asleep now that he was feeling secured in his lover's arms. Beside his disheveled state, Taehyung slept as he always slept in Jungkook's presence. Sound. Chest heaving up and down as he breathed, mouth open voicing soft snores.
Jungkook gulped hard, still not over Taehyung's earlier devastated state.

Even if he was sleeping soundly he couldn't help but picturize Taehyung having a panic attack.

It was pretty clear that he had a panic attack. Taehyung told him about the incident that happened with him when he was new to Seoul. But it never happened again. This was the second time that he had to go through it. This time because of him.

Jungkook just held Taehyung close to him, afraid he might wake up getting scared again.Taehyung even wore his shirt to calm himself down, he guessed that if it actually helped him. He really hoped that he didn't suffer for long. He can't leave him now. Now that he knew what effect it has on him. On his Taehyung. On his beloved.

He can't lose him because losing him would be like losing his own self. Not just a part of   him but his whole being.

please don't let me go
hold me close

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