La Santa - Chapter One

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"You alright homie?"

Oscar turned his head toward Cesar, nodding. "Yeah, I just had..." He mumbled on, but Cesar's attention completely left him, latching itself onto a girl who's backpack had ripped across the street. She was struggling to hold everything in her hands. He stood slowly, causing Oscar's eyes to follow him.

"I'll be right back." Oscar watched him walk across the street, confused. "Sabina?"

The girl looked up from the ground, furrowing her eyebrows. "Selena." She shook her head, looking back down at what she was going.

"Right." He nodded, "let me help you with that."

"I got it." She mumbled, completely ignoring his existence.

"No really." She looked up at him, squinting her eyes. "Let me go get like a plastic bag or something." He stepped onto the street, "wait here, I'm just gonna run inside real quick." He pointed to his house, where Oscar was watching with curious eyes, he hadn't noticed the girls appearance since her hair was covering her face as she looked down. "Dude!" Cesar crossed the street eagerly, walking quickly toward the front door. "You need to see this girl."

Oscar's eyebrows pulled together, "why?"

Cesar walked into the house, then came out with a plastic bag crinkling in his hand. "I need to show you because you won't believe me if I tell you." He walked back across the street, Oscar sat dumbfounded as he continued to watch. Meanwhile the younger brother opened the plastic bag, motioning for Selena to put her things in. She hesitated but complied, opening her arms to let the notebooks, pens, pencils fall into it. "I'm Cesar." He said, "you live around here?"

She shook her head, watching Cesar tie the bag. "No, I babysit a kid down the street though. He's an asshole, he most likely did this to my bag." Cesar chuckled and she looked up at him, pouting. "My friends call me Lee."

Cesar nodded, "okay Lee. Let me walk you home?"

"I'm okay." She licked her lips. "But thanks."

Lee grabbed the bag and began to walk away but Cesar followed her. "I insist. I would feel so much more comfortable taking you across town then letting you walk alone and have something happen to you."

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "If I say yes will you leave me alone?"

A smile crept on his face as he nodded, "yeah."


"Alright, let me just let my brother know."

She nodded and he began to walk, but he paused, causing her to raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"Maybe you should come with me." Lee pursed her lips, following after him. That's when Oscar's heart dropped to his stomach, his mouth parting as they walked closer to him. "Oscar." Cesar cleared his throat, "this is Selena."

"Lee." She corrected, holding her hand out. When Oscar hesitated she let her hand fall back to her side.


Her eyebrows pulled together and she side glanced at Cesar. "Um, no, Selena." She chuckled awkwardly, "but I can see why you would mix the two."

He didn't say anything, he kept his eyes on her in complete disbelief.

"I'm walking her home." Cesar stepped away, motioning for Lee to follow him. "I'll be back in a few, I know we have a lot to talk about."

Oscar watched, his heart completely straining as she walked away. Her voice, her face. That was Sabina.

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now