La Santa - Chapter Twelve

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Lee sat down next to Oscar, looking up at Cesar who stood before them. He sighed, opening his mouth to speak. "Guys." They both raised their eyebrows, but neither spoke. "Am I the only one taking this serious?"

They mirrored each other by nodding but Lee spoke this time. "Baby, I think you should talk to someone. Maybe this whole situation was too emotionally scarring and you need help. We can find you help-"

"I don't need help!" He gripped his roots, tugging with a frustrated huff. "I'm not crazy! You guys are crazy for thinking I'm crazy."

Despite having argued previously, the couple glanced at each other. "Spooky, get your little brother."

"You get him." He mumbled, "I already tried, the first day he met you."

"Why didn't you tell me he was acting like this?" She shook her head softly, "I would've kept my distance."

"I know." He said, "that's exactly why I didn't tell you." He reached for her hand, "I didn't want you to do that."

"I'm sorry." She sighed, glancing at Cesar who continued to ramble on, pacing back and forth.

"For what?"

"I don't know." She shrugged, "I guess; for not being Sabina." She swiped her thumb over the back of his hand. "But Cesar's right, maybe we were brought together for a reason."

Oscar chuckled deeply, nodding his head at his little brother. "You're drinkin' his fool-aid now?"

She kissed her teeth, tilting her head. "So you think we met each other by chance?" He shrugged, and she inhaled softly. "You think we magically crossed paths?"

"Is that a real question?" His eyes flicked to Cesar who began to throw his hands around, continuing his rant.

She grinned, setting her palm against the side of his face. "I promise I had nothing to do with Cesar getting rolled up on."

"I believe you." He nodded, "and I'm sorry for being a dick."

She gasped mockingly, "did you just apologize to me?" He rolled his eyes, exhaling through his nose with a playful smile. "With your whole ass heart too papa, I'm special."

"You are." He nodded, licking his lips as he looked at her pair. Then he leaned in, placing a soft kiss onto them.

She smiled, biting her bottom one when he pulled away. "What does that mean?"

He shrugged a shoulder, "that's a complicated question. I don't think I'm ready, I don't want to hurt you mama."

"Life's too short." She said, "you know that Oscar."

He hummed, sniffing quietly as he looked away. "I do."

She stopped Cesar, shushing him quietly. "Okay. Let's pretend what you're saying is half true." She glanced at Oscar and he nodded, "what do you want us to do?"

Cesar inhaled a deep breath, sitting on the coffee table across from them. "I don't know how this works but–"

"This shits crazy." Oscar shook his head.

"Let him explain." Lee nudged him, nodding at Cesar for him to continue. "Go ahead C."

"I've been thinking about this for a while. But I'm thinking this is a redo, like everything is going to happen in the same sequence. Maybe not as fast, that's where you two come into play. You get to change how things happened the last time."

"How so?"

Oscar laughed, "really Lee?"

"Let Cesar speak." She glared at him and he put his hands up in defense.

"Do things the same, but different. Oscar and Sabina never got the chance to fall in love, date, or even-"

Oscar cleared his throat to cut his little brother off. "That was your fault and we're not talking about that."

"I won't next time."

Lee chuckled, "there won't be a next time."

Oscar side glanced at her but ignored her comment. He knew she'd let him choke her in front of Cesar if he really wanted to. "I can't believe I'm feeding into this but," he sighed, "I'm in. What do we do?"

"You have to do it right!" Both Oscar and Lee tilted their heads, one of them wondering if the teenager in front of them was on drugs and it wasn't Lee. "Like in a video game, if you die you get a retry, right?"

"But this isn't a game." Oscar shook his head, "my girlfriend died mano, I can't look at that as a game. No matter how many times you say Sabina is giving me a second chance. There's no way for you to actually know that."

Lee sighed, "Oscar's right, I'm not buying the 'she's giving him a second chance' thing. That sounds like a fairy tale C."

Oscar bowed his head, placing two fingers against his temple. "You two are giving me a headache."

"You?" Cesar scoffed, "you have the headache? Try talking to two brick walls!"

"We said we were in." Oscar shrugged, "I don't know what else you want."

"You're just not making any sense Cesar." Lee shook her head, reaching for him. "Maybe you need sleep."

"No." He pulled his hand away, "all three of us are going to speak to Rosario. Now!"

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now