La Santa - Chapter Nineteen

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Lee sat up when she heard a loud thump. Her eyebrows knitted together curiously, squinting her eyes to try and see through the darkness of the room. She heard a muffled "Cesar" from the other side of the house. So she stood, hopping toward the bedroom door to peak. No one was there, so she stuck her head into the living room, looking from left to right. Nothing.

"Open the door Cesar."

"God." She mumbled, huffing as she shrugged to the front door. She twisted the lock before reaching for the knob.

Oscar looked up, his hand falling to his side. "Hey. What are you doing here?"

"We live together, remember?"

"Right." He cleared his throat, "you gonna let me in or nah?"

"Oh." She began to nod, pulling the door open. "Yeah, come in baby."

"It's baby now?" He chuckled, walking pass her and into the house. He shut the door and looked her up and down. "I thought it was fuck me?"

Lee sighed, folding her arms over her chest. "I guess I'll be the one to apologize."

He raised his eyebrows, mocking her. "As you should."

"Whatever." She mumbled, stepping away.

He gripped her arm, tugging her back. "don't walk away from me, we're not done talking."

"Yes we are." She shoved his large hand away with a scoff, "we'll talk when you're sober."

"Selena, I'm serious." He reached for her again but she stepped back, "do you not want to be with me anymore?" He asked, "I thought you loved me."

"I do."

"So then?" He snapped, "I'm not playing games with you, Lee. You're grown as fuck."

"Break up with me then!" She shouted, opening her arms. "Do us the fucking favor and end it right now Oscar."

His plump lips parted as he stared at  her face, waiting for her to laugh and tell him she was joking. "You're serious?"

"Dead serious."

Oscar opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Cesar stepping into the room, rubbing his eyes. "Everything alright?"

Lee nodded, folding her lips in. "We're just talking, go back to bed."

"Sounded a little heated to be 'just talking'. You two want some little brother counseling?"

"Cesar." Oscar shook his head, "go back to sleep."

"Okay, but, watch what you say mano." He turned to Lee, "I'll be right there if anything." He pointed at his bedroom door before walking away.

Then Lee and Oscar looked at each other, both of them angry. "Tell me you don't want to be with me." He said, causing her to furrow her eyebrows. "Don't look at me stupid, say it."

"Don't talk to me like that."

He stepped forward, "this is my house. I'll speak to you however the hell I want."

She put her hand up so he wouldn't come any closer, "before you say something stupid and I swing on your stupid ass I have to show you something."

"Now?" He arched a brow, "you got some horrible timing."

"Just shut up and follow me."

"Nah." He shook his head when she turned to walk away, "ask me right."

Lee squinted her eyes at him, scrunching her nose as well. "You just got here and you're already getting on my nerves."

He crossed his arms, shrugging like a child. "I'll wait."

She squeezed her hands, making two fists as she inhaled to control her anger. "Please?"

Then Lee began to walk toward the bedroom they shared, causing him to reluctantly follow after her. He watched from the door frame as she pulled a manila folder. She walked back and handed it to him.

He stared at it for a second before opening it. "What?"

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now