La Santa - Chapter Eighteen

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Lee rolled her eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time, looking else where when Oscar dapped his homies hand. He noticed, nudging her softly. "What's wrong baby?"

She ran a hand down her arm, shrugging. "I told you I wasn't in the mood for a party."

"It'll do you well." He squeezed her hand as he laced their fingers, "you need some fresh air and now that Los Diablos have quieted down you can finally meet my homies."

She scoffed, mumbling, "did Sabina meet your homies?"

"Okay that's enough." He dropped her hand, "you're really starting to like bringing her up ain't you?"

She furrowed her eyebrows, looking up at him as if he was crazy. "Don't yell at me."

"You know what?" He reached in his pocket, pulling out his keys before tossing them to her. "Just go home, I'm not dealing with you right now."

"Dealing with me right now?" She mocked him with a small laugh, then she turned around as she nodded softly. Under her breath she said, "Fuck you then."

"Oh it's like that?"

She turned back around, rolling her eyes again. "What?"

"It's fuck me?"

"You don't want to deal with me so," she chuckled, "yeah. I'll be at home." When she turned around her grabbed her by her arm, causing her to groan. "Ahora que?"

"I thought we fixed this already?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Oscar."

"So now you don't know anything." He nodded sarcastically, "que pinché casualidad."

"I'm not doing this here. Have fun with your friends. Text me when you're ready for me to pick you up."

He folded his arms over his chest, scoffing, "damn, Selena."

"Damn Selena what?"

"Just go. Please get out of my face before I say something I shouldn't." He shook his head, turning on his foot, "I'll text you later."

He walked away, as did she. "Pinché culero." She muttered, opening the drivers door. When she sat down and shut the door her eyes became watery. She tried her best not to cry as she started the car and took off down the road. But she only got a few blocks down when she had to pull over to cry.

She was confused, she had no idea why all she wanted to do was cry all the time. It got to the point where she couldn't be in the same room with Oscar because he just irritated her completely. It brought her to tears how she couldn't stand him and love him at the same time. She couldn't be with him but couldn't be with out him either.

Meanwhile, Oscar sat. He sighed, flexing his jaw angrily as he stared at the can of beer in his hand.


He looked up, his lips slightly curving up in a soft smile. "Hey, que honda?" He dapped Mario without making eye contact.

"Lookin' a little sad. Everything alright?" He sat next to him, taking a long sip of his beer.

"Course." He chuckled deeply, "already know me."

"I mean, I'm asking you cause I heard your argument with that girl." He shrugged, "seemed a little heated."

"Yeah." He kissed his teeth, beginning to shake his head softly. "Mi mujer, she's just going through some shit."

"Anybody ever told you she looks like–"

"Yup." He nodded, "why do you think we're fighting?"

"Damn, Spooky." Mario chuckled teasingly, "whipped?"

Oscar laughed, bringing the can to his lips. "Something like that Compa."

He curiously tilted his head, "how long have you two been together?"

He shrugged a shoulder, pouting his bottom lip. "A few months, six, seven. Wasn't really counting."

Mario hummed, "so it's serious?" When Oscar raised his eyebrows, he chuckled, "what?"

"Actually, we been tryna have a kid."

Mario's jaw dropped, "a kid?"

"Yeah and–"

"Can I have my chapstick?" Both Mario and Oscar's heads turned toward the voice. Lee stood with her hand out. "I forgot it."

Oscar huffed, "this is her. Lee this is Mario."

"Nice to meet you." She mumbled without acknowledging him. "My chapstick?"

He reached in his pocket, pulling the small tube out. "You really came back for a damn chapstick."

She took it, squinting her eyes at him. "Are you ready to go home?"

"Did I text you?"

"Okay." Lee nodded, "just take your keys, I'll walk." She tossed them in his lap, turning on her heel to walk away.

Mario and Oscar glanced at each other before Oscar stood. "She really gon give me a stroke. Fuckin—Lee!" He ran up behind her, "why are you being like this baby! This isn't like you."

"You just annoy me." She shrugged.

His small laugh caused her eyebrows to knit together. "Did you want me to say you don't annoy me? Cause you definitely do."

Yet again, she rolled her eyes. "I'm going home."

"You really want me to believe you came back for the damn chapstick I bought?" She blinked at him, causing his laughter to continue. "You're really starting to get to me."

"Then I'll move out."

"What?" A smile was on his face, but he wasn't amused. "How you gonna say some stupid shit like that? Baby we're having a kid."

"No we're not!" She snapped, causing him to raise his eyebrows. "Maybe we just aren't working out." she pointed between the two. "I can't get pregnant because we shouldn't be together."

"What are you saying?" He crossed his arms over his chest. "You breaking up with me?"

"Yes." She nodded, "hasta que agarras la honda pendejo."

He watched her glare at him, then walk away. He pinched his lips together, shutting his eyes for a second to compose his anger.

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now