La Santa - Chapter Four

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"Selena." Joseph grabbed her small hand, wrapping his free hand around her waist before pulling her body as close as possible. Then their hips began to move in sync, her hair flipping as she leaned her head back with a smirk.

She spun out, as soon as she parted she was pulled back to his body and his hands made their way to her butt, gripping as they bent their knees, their rhythms intact the whole time. His big hand roamed her body, squeezing tight when it wrapped around her neck. He gripped her waist, letting her fall back, his hand now making its way between her boobs, meeting his other at her waist. Then she was pulled up, her legs wrapped easily around his waist and she chuckled. Her thumb caressed his bottom lip as he spun them in a circle with a smile on his face.

When her feet hit the ground again; her smirk returned and he ran his fingers through her hair tugging. She gasped, moving her legs between his, their hips meeting. Then he spun her around, their eyes never losing contact. That was until she shut her eyes, letting herself get lost into his touch. He lifted her hands and she let them fall loosely over her head, meeting at the back of her neck. Joseph's hands ran down the side of her stomach, and he stuck them under her shit, caressing her skin. It wasn't until the music stopped that she noticed Oscar at the door, his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Oscar." She panted, "hey." Then she turned to Joseph, "good job today, I'll see you on Thursday."

He nodded, grabbing his backpack. "Always a pleasure." He walked towards her, kissing her cheek as he looked up at Oscar. He rolled his eyes, pursing his lips. When Joseph left she took in a deep breath, pulling her hair up and securing it with a scrunchie.

"What are you doing here?" She looked into the wall-mirror, pulling out a couple of stray hairs. "Made it pretty obvious you didn't want me around."

Oscar sighed, taking a step into the room. "I didn't want you to think that." He looked around the dance classroom, "you dance huh?"

"Something like that." She turned around to look at him. "How'd you find me?"

"Cesar told me you might be here, also told me y'all been texting."

Lee crossed her arms, "did you want me to stop talking to him too?"

"Come on." He pinched his lips together, "I came to apologize."

"But yet you haven't."

He squinted his eyes, "I was building up to that."

She walked across the room, grabbing her back pack from the floor. "I'm listening."

"I didn't mean to be rude, I've just been going through a lot."

She sighed, looking up at him. "You don't have to apologize Oscar, I was joking. I completely understand."

"You do?"

"Cesar spoke vaguely of your ex, you're hurting and I shouldn't be getting in the way."

"Wait." Oscar shook his head with a small chuckle, "get in the way? We've barely spoken two words to each other."

"Listen." She said, "I like Cesar okay? He's a cool guy and if me being around him is a problem with you because you're—"

"Let me stop you right there." She raised her eyebrow, humming. He began to speak again. "You like Cesar?"

She bobbed her head, "yeah."

"I just–" he licked his lips, scoffing lightly. "Hearing you say that with that voice and that face fucks with me."

"What are you even talking about?"

"That's not happening." He shook his hand in front of him, "Cesar can't date until he's thirty."

"Wait." Lee laughed, "no!"

He tilted his chin up, "no what?"

"Not like that." She shook her head, "I meant I like him as in he's nice to be around."

Oscar mouthed an "oh" exhaling through his nose as he began to laugh.

"Crazy." She scoffed, teasing him. "Crazy, crazy."

He tilted his head again to inspect her, "how long you been dancing for?"

"Fourteen years." Lee pulled the straps to her back pack over her arms, "how long you been dancing?"

"I don't dance." He shook his head, "you ever seen a cholo dance?"

Lee nodded, "yeah, like that little get low cumbia thing. You got that going on?"

He shrugged, an amused smile spreading on his face. "Sometimes. Get me drunk enough and I can hit it for you."

"Oh." She led Oscar out of the room, turning the lights off, "you want me to get you drunk?"

"Nah, I didn't say that."

She gave him a dimpled grin, "I took it that way."

He rolled his eyes playfully, "what I was trying to say was.." Lee pouted her lips, walking down the side walk to the parking lot, she spotted the flashy red Impala a couple feet away, then she glanced at him so he knew she was paying attention. "You're good, a little sensual, but good."

"Damn." She set her hand over her heart, feigning heartbreak. "Fourteen years and that's all I get? Good?"

He shook his head at her sarcasm, "alright, how's incredible?"

She shrugged a shoulder, "you can do better, but I'll give you time to think of more synonyms for 'good'."

"Ah." He nodded, "you're one of those."

She stopped walking in front of his car, crossing her arms. "One of what?"

"The bossy, walk me to my car to get rid of me type."

"Oh." She chuckled, "that's right."

He bit his bottom lip, "we goin get along." He nudged her, "real well."

"If you kick me out again then we're fighting." She swayed her hips toward her own car, "your choice!" She yelled back.

He watched her, taking her in as he smirked. She was gonna be a problem. Big problem.

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now