La Santa - Chapter Sixteen

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Lee tapped her fingers against the counter, waiting for the timer on her phone to go off. She stared at the screen, eagerly squinting her eyes at the seconds as they went down. Then the obnoxious ringtone filled the bathroom, causing her to jump.

"Anything?" She turned to see Oscar leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.

"I haven't checked."

"Waiting for me?" He walked up from behind, wrapping his arms around her. She nodded as he set his head on her shoulder, exhaling when she grabbed the test. She flipped it, showing it to him first. He sighed, pursing his lips, "next time baby."

She then looked, her heart dropping. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry." He kissed her cheek, "we can always keep trying."

"That's like the third one." She tossed it in the trash before leaning back against him, "maybe we should just take a break."

"But it's the third one in only two months mi vida." He ran his hands over her stomach, "it'll happen when the time is right."

"Can I ask you something?" She stared at their reflection in the bathroom mirror. He kissed her neck as he caressed the skin under her shirt.

"Mm-hm." He nodded, detaching his lips to speak, "of course."

"Did Cesar ever finish what he was supposed to do?"

Oscar stood straight, furrowing his eyebrows. "What kinda question is that?"

She shrugged, "you said I could ask you."

"Not about shit like that." He shook his head, "you ain't got no business asking me that."

She kissed her teeth as he walked out, following him. "Oscar I'm your girlfriend, aren't I?" He nodded, stopping to face her. "When are you going to accept I'm just as much involved as you are?"

"Not today, Lee." He sighed, "maybe never, but definitely not today."

She groaned, "see that's the problem with you."

"Oh so now I got a problem?" He raised an eyebrow, "shit, add it to the rest of them cause I seem to have a box full of them ever since you showed up."

"All I do is try to help you and you can stand there and say I'm a problem?" She shoved him back, "you're such a dick."

"And you're a–"

"A what?" She tested, tilting her chin up. When all he did was stare at her she scoffed, "finish your sentence Oscar. Ten los huevos para decírmelo!"

"Don't raise your voice at me." He shook his head, "I understand you're stressed out about this baby shit. But like I said amor, we can always try again."

Lee shook her head, "I don't even want to think about touching you right now."

His lips agape as he observed her with curious eyes, "why the fuck are you mad at me? I did my part."

"You don't trust me." She pointed at him with her index finger, "that's enough to ruin this whole relationship."

"I don't trust you?" His eyebrows knitted together, "not telling you something that isn't your business constitutes as not trusting you?" He took a step toward her, "if I don't talk to you about this gang shit, it's because I don't want you mixed up in this gang shit. I already lost Sabina to the streets and I'm not losing you."

"It's always about Sabina." She chuckled angrily, "but I should've known, because it's been about her since the beginning."

He rolled his eyes, "what are you talking about Lee?"

"You're with me because I look like her."

He kissed his teeth, "now you're just saying shit to make yourself mad."

"Look me in the face and tell me you wouldn't have already told her what happened with Cesar and Joseph."

He raised his eyebrows, folding his arms over his chest as he looked down at her. "I took care of it for Cesar."

"What?" Her jaw dropped.

"That's exactly why I didn't want to tell you." He shook his head, "now you have to go to sleep knowing you're laying next to a second-time killer."

"Oscar I–"

"Is that enough information for you?" He glared at her, turning on his foot. "Lock the door before you come to bed."

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now