La Santa - Chapter Ten

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Oscar sat at the edge of his bed, shutting his eyes for a moment. "How'd it go?" Lee looked up from the text book in her hand, setting her pen down.

"Not good." He mumbled, "I started a war."

She sighed, scooting over to him on her knees. "You're just doing your job, Oscar." He tensed up when she set her hands on his shoulders, licking his lips at the tingles that filled his body. "You need to relax, you've been stressing all week."

He nodded, leaning his head back as her hands ran down the base of his neck and under his shirt to wander his chest. Her nails dragged over his skin, causing goosebumps to form down his arms. Then her hands ran down his shoulders, she left three small kisses on the right one, her finger tips roaming the rest of the way down to his hands. "Let me help you." She was really helping herself, distracting herself from her moms death. She figured it would hurt less if she didn't think about it. Oscar turned his head slightly to look at her and she smirked, stepping down and off of the bed to stand in front of him. His eyes followed, swallowing as she set her hands on either side of his neck to sit comfortably on his lap. "Will you let me do that for you?" She grabbed his hands, setting them onto her thighs before wrapping her own around his neck.

She began to lean in but he stopped her, shaking his head softly. "I'm not ready."

"You won't be until you try." She said, grabbing the sides of his face as she pressed her lips onto his. His lips caressed hers as his hands roamed the skin under her t-shirt. "Take it off." She stood, reaching for the hem of her shirt.

His eyebrows knitted together, "take what off?"

She pulled her shirt over her head, dropping it to the side. "All of it."'

"I-" he looked down at her shirt on the floor, then back up at her. 

She huffed, stepping towards him to make him stand. Her finger tips traced the hem of his shorts as she got onto her knees. She pulled his zipper down, her hands reaching for the button as she looked up at him through her eyelashes.

"Oscar?" Cesar's knocking caused Lee to jump up and reach for her shirt. Oscar groaned, balling his fists. Cesar really had the worst timing possible. "You need to come outside, it's really important."

He zipped his shorts up, waiting for Lee to put her shirt on before opening the door. "Someone best be dying, hermano."

"Uh.." Cesar shook his head, "Cuchillos is outside."

Oscar's mouth agape, "he's what?"

"He's demanding to talk to you." He scratched the back of his head nervously. "Like now."

"I—" he folded his lips in, turning to Lee to raise his hand at her. "Stay here." She nodded and he stepped out behind Cesar. But she didn't stay, she followed after them to stand at the door and listen.

"Sir." Oscar cleared his throat. "What brings you to Freeridge?"

"Why the hell didn't you tell me he got rolled up on." The angry man pointed at Cesar. "You don't think that's something I would've liked to know?"

"I was taking care of it, I haven't gotten around to picking up my phone."

"Really?" Cuchillos hardened his glare as he stepped closer, the two men behind him doing so as well. "Because it took me a whole three hours to drive the fuck up here. I think that's enough time for a quick text."

"Sir." Oscar stated, "I can assure you I was taking care of it."

"How?" He nodded his head once, "cause I know I told you to stay away from them damn Diablos and what was the first thing you did?" Cuchillos stepped closer to Oscar, "you went behind my back."

"Sir I—"

"He's been with me."

Everybody in the yard followed the small voice, Oscar being the last of them to look at her. "I thought I told you to stay inside."

Lee ignored him, walking up to where Cuchillos was standing. "He's been with me all week. Twenty-four/seven."

Cuchillos smirked, looking her up and down as he licked his lips. "Who are you?"

"Selena." She crossed her arms, "as far as him letting you know, I told him not to."

"And who are you to be telling Spooky what to do?"

"I'm his girlfriend." She stood next to him now, "is there a problem?" Oscar let her speak, obviously she had rehearsed this in her head before coming outside. He didn't want to interrupt her little movie scene.

Cuchillos began to nod, laughing softly. "I like her." He pointed at Lee, looking over at Oscar.

Oscar exhaled, pouting his lips as he looked down at Lee. "Me too." She smiled up at him, her arm snaking around his.

"So how are you fixing this?" Cuchillos looked between Cesar and Oscar. Cesar stepped up, he had been behind Oscar the whole time.

"I'll take care of him." Oscar said, "the puto that rolled up on Cesar." His younger brother gulped, looking up at him.

"No." Cuchillos shook his head, "I want him to take care of it." He pointed at Cesar. Lee looked over at Cesar with a concerned face, it looked like the life had completely left his body. "Alright." He nodded at his men for them to start walking toward the car, "we'll be in contact, Spooky. Little Spooky." Finally he smiled at Lee, "Selena."

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now