La Santa - Chapter Twenty

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Lee watched his face change drastically as he studied the paper, walking out of the room. He proceeded to flip it to see if anything was on the back. She stared at him, hoping to get some kind of reaction from him. When she didn't, she sighed.

"What?" Oscar chuckled, scanning the paper with eyes again.

"Did you read it?" She nudged the paper in his hand, raising her eyebrows.

"I'm on that." He nodded, "I just—you gon' have to help me out." He handed her the sheet, "I'm drunk."

She huffed, nodding as she took it into her hands. "To whom it may concern," she read aloud, smiling softly at Oscar when he crossed his arms and squinted his eyes, "in this case it concerns you baby." She reached and set her hand on his forearm, causing him to chuckle softly. "On this day of July seventeenth, the patient known as Selena Marie Sanchez," she looked up at him, "had a positive pregnancy test."

She smiled, opening her hands. "What do you think?"

He blinked twice, shaking his head, "what?"

"I'm pregnant!" She grabbed his biceps, jumping up and down, "we're pregnant! We're having a baby!"

Oscar's jaw dropped as she bounced around him, smacking his arm softly. "Holy shit." He muttered, "foreal?" He grabbed her shoulders to stop her from bopping, "like this shit ain't a prank?"

"No baby!" She smacked his arm again, "I'm pregnant!"

"Holy fuck." He gasped softly, putting his hands over his face, "I'm gonna be a dad?"


He laughed, reaching down to hug her, lifting her off of the ground. "That's amazing mi amor." He kissed her lips, then her cheek, "I'm so happy."

She giggled, returning the small kisses onto his lips. "Me too." She ran the pad of her thumb against the tattoo under his eye as he set her down, "my doctor explained that my mood swings are because the baby knows you're his dad." She kissed his lips again, "so I'm sorry."

He took his bottom lip into his mouth, tasting the mango chapstick she wore to bed, "let's go make another one."

She chuckled, linking her fingers at the back of his neck. He gave her a small smirk as she shut her eyes for a second and took in a deep breath. "I love you baby." She ran her nails up his neck, stopping just under his ear, "so, so much."

He tried not to blush, but he couldn't retain the big smile that took over half of his face. "I love the way you say that." He pulled her closer, "and the way you mean it every time you do." He pinched her chin, "no one has ever loved me like that."

"I got you." She let her hands fall down the his hands, "you're my man." That's when he blushed, looking down to hide it. She laughed softly, lifting his face with her finger, "are you blushing bebe?"

"No." He cleared his throat, shaking his head softly. "Gangsters don't blush." He parted from her, scratching the back of his head, "so why didn't it come up on the home tests?"

"Oh." She nodded, "right, cause I was taking vitamins and my doctor said that the vitamins in my urine were counter acting with some other shit and..." she kissed her teeth, shaking her head. "Era un pedo."

He hummed, not understanding much but just enough. "How far along?"

She put two fingers up, wiggling them in the air, "two months, almost three."

"So when do we get to find out what it is." He set his hands on her sides, motioning down with his eyes.

"I don't know, I kinda want to wait."

"You're gonna make me wait?" He huffed, whining. "Baby, no seas así."

She smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Goodnight Oscar."

"Baby." He groaned as she walked away. When she shut the bedroom door, he smiled, "thank you god. Thank you." He took in a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling, "thank you."

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now