La Santa - Chapter Thirteen

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Oscar's smile fell when Rosario yelled at him for not taking the situation serious. The older woman had come to the conclusion that Oscar wasn't holding up to his part of the deal and Sabina was upset about that. He thought everything she was saying was absolutely hilarious and was on the verge of getting kicked out of her little hut. Lee on the other hand was terrified out of her mind, everything Rosario said was making so much sense. She knew things about her and her family that no body else knew. She knew things about Sabina none of them knew. "Her spirit is dark."

"Dark?" Oscar raised an eyebrow with a small shake of his head, "Sabina wasn't a 'dark' person."

Rosario gripped Lee's hand tighter, causing her to flinch and turn toward Oscar who comforted her by placing his large hand on her upper thigh. Cesar watched from the corner, recording with his phone so he wouldn't miss anything. "I can feel her." She shut her eyes, "she's begging for help. She needs..." Her eyes opened and she gasped, "you know what I'm not comfortable with this." She chuckled, "what do I know?"

"More than you're leading on." Oscar reached in his pocket for his wallet, opening it to fish out a hundred, "speak."

"The naysayer becomes the believer." Cesar laughed, earning a glare from both Lee and Oscar.

Rosario sighed, smiling kindly at Lee. "Sweet heart?" She nodded, looking down at her hands when Rosario took them again. "Are you a virgin?" Oscar's eyebrows knitted together as he leaned forward, now interested. Lee's mouth opened slightly but she didn't say anything. "I wouldn't ask you such a personal question if it wasn't important." When Lee nodded, Oscar slumped back into the chair, glancing at Cesar. "Sabina wasn't, correct?" She turned toward Oscar and he shook his head softly. "She wants me to know she was..." She shut her eyes, "raped?" Lee turned her head toward Oscar, and he pressed his lips together, nodding again.

When Rosario opened her eyes, Lee spoke. "So what does all of this mean? Is it possible I'm linked to her?"

"Her family was into some really evil.. magic, if you will."

"Magic?" Oscar chuckled, "seriously?"

"Yes," Rosario nodded, "when I see this girl I don't see happiness. I see nothing but darkness and anger. She can't move on until..." She swallowed, looking at Oscar who raised his eyebrows at her concerned face. "Spooky?" He nodded, anybody could've known that since he was literally the leader of the gang that ran the neighborhood she lived in, but it felt weird. She didn't ask for anybodies name when they walked in, she kind of just knew them already. "She's telling me her father was an evil man who is burning in the deep, depths of hell."

"Oscar?" Lee mumbled.

Oscar confirmed, "he was. But anybody could've told you that."

"He made sacrifices to the devil so that when any of them die they'd reincarnate as somebody else."

Oscar and Lee glanced at each other, "shit like that doesn't happen." He shook his head, "this is the real world."

"But you were dealing with somebody not of this world, Mr. Diaz. You we're dealing with death herself." He furrowed his eyebrows at his last name, "and Jona, Jona was pure evil."

"I don't like this." Lee muttered, attempting to pull her hands away. "I–Oscar?" Oscar kept his head down, licking his lips. "Someone tell me what the hell is going on."

"I have to end Los Diablos." He looked up at Rosario, "is that what Sabina is saying?"

Lee now looked at Rosario with a distraught face, "is that what she's saying?"

Rosario nodded softly, "that was your part of the deal."

"But I didn't ask for that deal!" He shouted, causing Lee to flinch. "She made it by herself, she killed herself without thinking about how it would effect the world when she was gone. Did you know two putos–"

"Killed her mom." She nodded, "listen, Spooky." Rosario said calmly, smiling over at Lee afterward. "Selena. You guys cannot be together. I know you think that's what she wants but it's the last thing she wants. She is not happy about this." She pointed between the couple, "the man that killed your mom were having vivid dreams about La Muerte, that wasn't a coincidence."

Oscar and Lee simultaneously shook their heads. "What?"

"If you lose your virginity sweetie, this evil will embody you and you'll become..." she swallowed, "you will become Sabina."

"You're crazy." She pulled her hands away, "this is crazy. Oscar can we go?" She stood, but when Oscar didn't she grabbed his shoulder, "Oscar?"

"I believe her." He mumbled. "I don't know why, or how, but this shit makes sense. Jona did so many fucked up things to try to make himself immortal. He had a whole room for just sacrificing animals and another for sacrificing people, to sacrifice us Santos." He lifted his chin, "and I don't doubt he could've tied Sabina to somebody else so that La Muerte had a backup to latch it's self onto." Lee looked at him as if he was crazy, then over to Cesar who shrugged, he had been trying to tell them the entire time. "That would be way too easy, it being over just because he wasn't here. He wouldn't let Los Diablos die like that."

Everybody turned their head when Cesar's phone fell to the ground. His face lost color as he realized what was going on. "Selena has to die."

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