La Santa - Chapter Eleven

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"I know this is hard." Oscar said, exhaling through his nose. "But you don't have a choice mano." Cesar gulped, looking down at his feet. Nothing was said, he felt completely nauseous and was scared that if he moved a muscle he'd faint. Lee sat on Oscar's lap, flipping her hair over her shoulder as he spoke again, resting his hand on her thigh. "Who was he?"

"I-" Cesar shook his head, after a while. "Don't know, he yelled that Diablos ran Freeridge and that soon..." Oscar raised his eyebrow when Cesar paused, looking up at his brother with scared eyes. "Sucio was taking over."

"Wait." Lee said, causing both of them, plus the three other homies in the living room to look at her.

Oscar nudged her with an amused smile. "You know something?"

"Joseph." She shook her head, trying to convince herself otherwise. "But that's crazy, he..."


"Yeah." She turned in his lap, leaning against the arm rest of the couch. "He told me once how he was affiliated, everybody around school called him 'Sucio'."

"What does he look like?" Cesar stood from the chair across from them, sitting next to Oscar. She pulled out her phone, opening Instagram to pull up his profile. As soon as she displayed her phone to him, he began to nod. "That's him."

Lee slowly pulled her phone away, glancing at Oscar. His face said it all. "Oscar I didn't know he was going to–"

"Is that why you came by here?"

"Oscar–" He stood, causing her to jump to her feet. "I swear, it's just a coincidence."

"What's going on?" Cesar took to his feet, knowing his brothers tempter tantrums never ended well.

"She knows that puto, they're.." He looked her up and down. "Acquainted."

Lee shook her head, "no, Cesar. He was just my dance partner."

"So he told you to walk by here right? Drop your shit and get our attention." He chuckled, "taking Los Santos down from the inside. Damn, I should've known."

"How are you just going to assume that Oscar?"

"You know what?"

Cesar stepped toward his brother, lifting his hand to place it on his chest. "Whoa, Oscar. Think about what you're about to say. You know what happened last time."

Oscar shook his head, "I know what the hell I'm saying." He chuckled deeply. "Get your shit and leave, Selena."

"Okay you know what?" Cesar clapped his hands together, laughing nervously. "Cool off mano, I'll take Lee for a walk."

"I'm not a dog." Her face contorted, "But I'll leave." She began to walk away, opening the front door. "I'll come get my stuff some other day."

"Lee." Cesar sighed, turning to look at Oscar as she strutted out of the house. "Dude what the fuck?"

Oscar kept his hard glare intact, watching his little brother run after her.

"Lee!" Cesar called out, holding his shorts at the waist band so they wouldn't fall to his ankles as he jogged after her. "Lee, talk to me, come on."

"What?" She stopped, crossing her arms.

"Don't take it to heart, he just has a lot—"

"A lot going on." She nodded, "I got it Cesar."

He shook his head, "trust issues, Lee."

"Survivors guilt, trust issues, mood swings." She laughed, "I don't have time to be somebody's fixer upper."

He huffed as she tried to walk away but he grabbed her arm tightly, spinning her back around. "I think it's Sabina."

Lee rolled her eyes, "what the hell are you talking about?"

Cesar licked his lips, "hear me out okay?" She nodded, and he began. "I don't know if you know this, but dude you're literally her with blonde hair."

"I've heard."

"And I think Oscar and Sabina were meant to be, in a sense that the universe–" She scoffed and he glared, whining. "You said you'd hear me out."

"Obviously I'm listening." She refrained herself from laughing, biting her tongue.

"Everything happens for a reason." He opened his hands, waving them around. "Sabina and Oscar were platonic. There was no lust and that's crazy given how much of a puto my brother was before he met her."

"Can you get to the point?"

He looked around, then down at the curb, pointing at it. "Sit." She rolled her eyes yet again, sitting next to him. "As I was saying," he cleared his throat, "she was a Diabla, daughter of Lucifer. Pit bulls girl."

Lee raised her eyebrows, "damn."

"I know right." He chuckled, "she got put out and I won't go into detail as to why cause it's not my place. But she ended up in our lives. She was so mentally fucked up when she first got here, she couldn't shower without Oscar sitting outside of the door or sleep without Oscar next to her." He thought back at how frequently he heard Oscar's heavy footsteps around the house, running to her side at every little thing. "They didn't know each other long enough to be in love and honestly, I think they only ever kissed like twice." Lee looked down at her hands, nodding. "I think she put you in our lives Lee. She left Oscar a letter, begging him to make it right, but I don't think it's Oscar, Lee. I think you're what's going to make this all right."

"Cesar, do you hear yourself?" She shook her head, "you sound insane."

"Maybe I do." He shrugged, "but I've lived through this already. The out of nowhere tragedy that caused you to stay with us, the 'I like you but I won't admit it' behavior. The way he looks at you, he use to look at her like that."

"Like he wants to tear my clothes off?"

"Wait." Cesar furrowed his eyebrows, "have you guys—"

"No." She shook her head softly, "you interrupted before–"

"Oh my god." He jumped up, "I did the same thing to them, the next morning she..." he swallowed, watching her stand. "She died."

"Cesar." Lee huffed.

"Selena listen to me, I might sound completely crazy but you have to listen to me. I took Sabina to the Diablos, that's where we found Oscar and that's where she..."

"Cesar you're not making any sense."

"Lee, if you leave you're gonna die."

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