La Santa - Chapter Five

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Lee furrowed her eyebrows at her phone, studying the number that had been calling her for fifteen seconds already. Before she could press the answer button the call ended and she pouted her lips. "Weird." Then her phone vibrated in her wet hand. Her eyes scanned over the text message she received.

"I should've texted before calling you. That shit was weird."

"What?" She chuckled softly, sliding the message open, noticing the three dots indicating the other person was typing. So she let them, hoping they would explain who they were.

"It's Oscar, Cesar gave me your number."

"Oh." She mumbled. Her finger danced around before she began to type. Her thumb froze in the air, and she thought before putting the phone to her ear.


Lee smiled at his deep voice, biting her bottom lip. She put the phone between her ear and shoulder, continuing to scrub the plate in her hand. "Hey!" She grinned, running the plate under the water. "What's up?"

"You busy?"

She shook her head although he couldn't see her. When she realized that, she spoke. "No, why?"

He laughed, "I can hear water running."

"Oh." She turned the sink off, drying her hands on her t-shirt. "I was just washing dishes but I'm almost done. Something happen?"


She finally grabbed her phone, holding it to the side of her head and walked out of the kitchen.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to go get some ice cream or something. You know, cause I was a dick to you?"

She scoffed, "ice cream?"

"Yeah. Or did you want something els—"

"I didn't mean it like that!" She shook her head quickly, smacking her hand against her forehead. "God, that sounded super bitchy." He chuckled in her ear and she sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm not good at this."

"Is that a yes?"

"I—" She groaned, growing frustrated with herself. She mentally cursed at herself for making it so difficult, the hot cholo was asking her out, just say yes. "I would love to."

"Bien." She could hear his smile, that caused one to form on her lips again. "I'll pick you up in ten."

"Wait now?"

"See you then."

"Wait—" Lee huffed when he hung up, throwing her phone on the living room floor. "Why the hell do guys always want to hang out when you look your worst?" She stepped into her room, shutting the door behind her as she looked in the mirror. "Okay, well I'm not changing." She mumbled, pulling her shirt over her head, throwing it to the side. When she walked back out of her room she noticed her mom standing at the end of the hall with her phone in her hand. "Hey, you're home?"

Her mom nodded, handing her the device. "Why is your phone on the ground?"

"Oh." Lee chuckled, taking it and sliding it into her pocket. "I got excited and it fell out of my hand."

Her mom hummed, nodding. "Are you heading out?"

She exhaled, "yeah, I'm gonna go get some ice cream, do you want anything?"

"No, thank you mija." She walked pass her, "be careful."

"Okay." Lee muttered, turning to watch her mom walk into her bedroom. She works all night and day so she barely sees her, she usually got home around the time she would babysit the kid in Freeridge. But she was off today, it was weird for her to speak to her for more than two seconds. She was always tired and headed for bed. She shut the front door behind her, running a hand through her hair as she looked around the neighborhood. "Hola Mrs. Gutierrez!" She waved at the older woman sitting on her porch, smiling widely.

"Selena! Hasta que sales a tomar sol!"

She laughed, "I'm always out, Mrs. Gutierrez." She walked up to the fence next door, resting her arms over it. "How are you feeling today?"

"Better." Mrs. Gutierrez nodded, "gracias a Diosito."

Lee mirrored her by nodding, "yes ma'am. Well, if you ever need anything you know where to find me. I put my number on your speed dial when I came over to help you clean up."

The woman smiled, gleaming as she took a step over to Lee, leaning over the porch to pinch her cheek. "Corazón de oro." Lee blushed, backing up when Mrs. Gutierrez began to shuffle away. When she sat in her rocking chair she spoke up, "are you waiting for someone mija?"

"Something like that." She shrugged, "un muchacho, he invited me to get ice cream. But I don't think he knows where I live—" they both turned quickly to the Impala pulling up down the street, the music obnoxiously loud. "Never mind."


Lee nodded, "igualmente, remember.." she skipped away, putting her fingers up to her ear as a mock 'phone', "if you need anything."

Then she was standing in front of Oscar's open window, gushing. "Hey boo."

"Hey." He looked her up and down, "you're half naked for ice cream?"

"I'm half naked for you papa." She leaned down, kissing his cheek as a hello. That caused him to grin from ear to ear. "Joking, joking!"

"Mm-hm." He hummed, picking up an aux cord from the passenger seat to throw it in the back. "Come on, la viejita is gonna think I'm selling you drugs if you just stand there." He eyed Mrs. Gutierrez and Lee giggled, causing him to look up at her with wide eyes. "Alright, that was cute."

"Stop!" She blushed, covering her face as she ran around the car, opening the door. "You can't be doing that." She poked at her cheeks, "I turn red easily."

He shook his head with a laugh, "problems of the white complected."

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now