After La Santa

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Footsteps echoed through the empty house, a child's laughter trailing after it. Vida climbed the wooden chair, the feet scraping against the tiled floor as she struggled, but succeeded to get on top.

"Buenos días, Peque." Oscar beat the pancake mix in front of him vigorously, squinting his eyes and furrowing his eyebrows as he focused.

She gushed, blushing as she smiled her buck toothed smile. "Buenos días, papá."

"You want pancakes?" Oscar turned to smile at her, then turned back around just as quick to continue pouring batter into the buttered pan.

Vida nodded, jumping up onto her feet. She made grab-hands toward her father, pouting.

Oscar set the bowl down, then turned the heat down on the stove, before walking over and taking his baby girl in his arms.

She immediately grabbed the rosary around his neck, but quickly set it down to point at the quote the ran across his collar bone. "What's that?"

The enthusiasm in her voice caused him to smile, and he set a kiss to her cheek.

"La vida espanta ala muerte." He said, brushing a piece of curly hair from her face. Then he repeated himself, "Life scares death."

The End.

Ariella is Selena Sanchez

Julio Macías is Oscar Díaz

Diego Tinoco is Cesar Díaz

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now