La Santa - Chapter Fourteen

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Lee watched Oscar walk into his room, she sighed, glancing at Cesar. "Just give him a minute." He shrugged, "it's hard for him to talk about Sabina, even more-so what happened to her." She nodded as he walked into the kitchen, "water?"

"No thank you." She shook her head, "hey Cesar?" He hummed, opening the refrigerator, "do you believe what she said?"

"What part?"

"That I can become Sabina. I mean, stuff like that doesn't really happen does it?"

"You're asking me that?"

She huffed, running a hand through her hair. "You're right." She glanced toward Oscar's bedroom door, "I'm gonna go talk to him."

Cesar shut the refrigerator door, twisting the cap off of a water bottle as he spoke. "You sure about that?"

"Of course. That's my man, I'll fix this."

"Mm." He took a long sip before mumbling, "good luck."

Lee walked away, knocking on the door softly. "Oscar?" He didn't answer, so she pushed the door open. He was laying on the bed, his eyes glossy. "You okay?"

He nodded shortly, sighing. "How are you mama?"

"A little freaked out." She sighed, crawling into the bed next to him. "Can I ask you something?" He nodded again and she gave him a kind smile before speaking, "would you be able to be with me?" He furrowed his eyebrows, turning his head to her. "I mean," she ran her hand down his bicep, to his wrist. "Without touching me."

"I don't know." He pouted, "I've never been in an abstinent relationship before."

She hummed, now running the pad of her thumb down his lips. "I can't."


She chuckled softly, "all I want to do is touch you and.." She leaned forward, placing a kiss to his lips, "I can't control it."

He inhaled, shutting his eyes for a second. Then he set his hand under her jaw, gripping as he pulled her close. He pressed his lips to hers in a hungry kiss, catching her off guard. But she kissed back, scooting closer until she was straddling him, pulling her shirt up and over her head.

Then her hands reached for the hem of his tank top, but he shook his head. "What about what Rosario said?"

"I don't care." She unclasped her bra, "I can't be scared my whole life just because she told me to."

Oscar stared at her, beginning to nod, "you're right."

"I am." She agreed, tossing her bra to the floor. "Do you have a condom?"

"I think so." He reached to open the drawer of his nightstand, groaning when he felt around and didn't find the small pack of rubber. She leaned over glancing in, then shook her head to confirm there wasn't any in there. "Should I ask Cesar?"

"You think that's a good idea?" She giggled, reaching for his belt. "Cause I'll have your babies if that means he won't interrupt us."

He chuckled deeply, watching her unbuckle his belt and undo the button of his shorts. "Okay." He nodded, "you gon' have my babies?"

Lee leaned down to kiss him when she finally undid his pants, pulling them down. "I'm gonna have your babies."

"Okay." He reached to undo her jeans now, "I'm down if you're down. We can take care of a kid right?"

"Yeah." She pressed her lips to his as she helped him with her jeans, "most def' we'll be good ass parents."

When Oscar got her pants down, he spoke again, "I can pull out though right?"

She nodded, straddling him when her pants were off, "are you sure about this Oscar?"

"I don't know." He pulled his boxers down a bit, exposing himself to her. "Are you?"

"If you don't know then I don't either." She moved her underwear to the side, sitting on him.

"I guess it's too late now."

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now