La Santa - Chapter Twenty Two

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Lee reached up, trying to grab a pack of diapers. She groaned when she couldn't reach it, not even on the top of her toes.

"Need some help?" A deep voice asked behind her, "been watching you struggle for a solid five minutes. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself. My wife's pregnant too, nine months, like you huh?"

She turned, her eyes landing on a tall, dark man. His accent was thick, it went well with the composure he held, he looked like a proper, respectable man.

"Uh, yeah." She shuffled on her feet, backwards and out of his way. "Sure."

He reached up, grabbing the pack and handed it to her with a chuckle. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"No it's fine." She studied the pack, then her eyes went back onto him. She squinted, tilting her head to the side. "Do I know you?"

He shook his head, snickering softly as he licked his lips. "I'm not from this neighborhood, just paying a friend, a little visit." He used air quotes around the word 'friend' causing her confusion to grow.

She hummed, nodding. "Well thank you."

"Alaric." He said, despite the fact she never asked his name or even gave any hints that she wanted to know his name.

"Thank you, Alaric." She set the item in her cart, beginning to step away.

"You know?" He spoke, causing her to stop walking and turn around to face him yet again. "Now that I'm getting a good look at you, you look really familiar." He looked her up and down.

He wasn't checking her out, in any sexual way, he just made her uncomfortable by being in the same aisle as her. Nevertheless, she kindly replied, "oh yeah? From where?"

He thought, setting his index finger on his plump lips. After a few seconds he began to tsk, shaking his finger in the air. "I must have you confused."

"Um..." her eyebrows furrowed together, "okay?"

As quickly as she shut her mouth, he began to speak again. "First time mom?" His eyes went down to her belly. "Girl huh?"


"She's gonna have your eyes." He took a step back, "have a good day, Selena."

She stood stunned in the middle of the aisle, she began to feel scared, her stomach hurting. She left the full cart there, hurrying out of the market without anything in her hands.

"Why are you empty handed?" Oscar asked as she walked around the car. She ignored him, opening the passenger door. "I'm talking to you." He demanded, turning the volume button to the left.

"Can we just go, please?" She asked quietly, holding her stomach with her arms.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Can everybody stop asking me that? I'm fuckin fine!" She exploded, "stop checking on me every five fuckin minutes and drive dude!"

With no argument, Oscar put the car in reverse and backed out of the small markets parking lot.

From a few cars away, Alaric watched, smirking. He had them exactly where he needed them.

Ten minutes passed, and Alaric pulled up to his fathers house. Shutting his car door behind him. Immediately, he began to laugh. This whole devil shit was getting to him. He didn't realize he was going crazy.

"How'd it go boss?" Joseph stood from the sidewalk, walking after him.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead? Get the fuck inside."

Joseph sighed, "being dead is boring."

"Well you only have to be dead for a couple more days." He pushed the front door open, revealing many of his 'dead' men, sitting inside.

"We told him, jefe."

"I don't care." Alaric mumbled, "I have news." Everyone huddled around, ready to listen. "The girl is pregnant." Everyone looked at each other, confused. "Now, you're probably wondering what that has to do with us." He set his keys on the poker table, hopping up onto it.  "The baby girl is due any day now, and since most of you here are dead..." he trailed off, scratching the side of his neck, "no one would suspect you would be the one to snatch her up. So I'm gonna have someone set up real close to the Santos trying to get intel on if she was born or not, we have to move fast."

"How are you so sure it's a girl?" Joseph asked.

Alaric laughed deeply, "it's a girl."

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now