La Santa - Chapter Twenty Four

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Selena Marie Sanchez was pronounced dead at seven-forty-two, later that morning.

She died from birth complications, or at least that's what Oscar was told.

He took it hard, to say the least. He stopped eating, and when he did he would throw it all right back up.

Cesar was trying his best to take care of his brother all while taking care of his niece. It was at the point where Cesar felt as if he was a parent to two kids.

But in all honesty, he was terrified to leave Oscar on his own. He felt as if it was his fault, for bringing Selena into their lives, maybe she would've still been alive, maybe even her mom would be alive.

Vida is her name, Vida Gabriela. Cesar named her, there was so much meaning to her name. She was there to make life better.

"Shhh." Cesar bounced her, another failed attempt at putting her to sleep. "It's okay, Vida."

Her loud cries filled the quiet house, Cesar felt as if he was going insane. But really, it was better then the eerie silence that filled it when she was asleep.

When she began to quiet down, her eyes shutting, Cesar stood from the couch, setting the baby bottle down on the coffee table as he made his way toward Oscars door.

The new rule in the house was no closed doors, with the depression Oscar was facing, it wasn't safe.

"You up, mano?"


Cesar sighed, "can you hold Vida while I shower?"

Silence, yet again.

"Guess not." He huffed, deciding to strap her into the baby bouncer and sit it right outside of the bathroom door. He usually had to shower with the door open, so he could keep an eye on her.

But before he could even step foot into the restroom, she began to cry again, causing him to frown.

Oscar hadn't held her since she was born, he hadn't changed not one diaper and hadn't fed her once. It was difficult, but Cesar tried to understand what he was going through. Because obviously, he was sad about losing Selena too. But he couldn't let his sadness get in the way of the fact Vida needed all these things neither of her parents could give her.

But he didn't know how much more he could take, he was basically a single father, with no help.

"Come here mama." Cesar reached for her, holding her tightly to his body as he pushed the bouncer around with his foot to get it out of the way. "Fine." He nodded, "Oscar I'm making food!"

The silence finally began to worry him. Finally.

"Let's go check on your dad first." He mumbled more to himself than to Vida.

He made his way into Oscars room quietly, it was a mess. It disgusted him how his brother went from being a clean freak to not caring at all.

Oscar was laying flat on his stomach, his face buried in the pillows. His shoulder blades rose up and down slowly. "Well he's alive so that's good." He stepped closer, nudging him. "Oscar?"

They hadn't spoken in weeks, Cesar mostly did all the one sided talking with no responses. Oscar moved his finger, letting him know he was listening.

"You hungry?"

No answer.

"It's like two in the morning but I'm gonna make pancakes okay?"

He was ignored, again, but he kept trying. "Do you want some orange juice? I just bought some."

Oscar rolled over slowly, exposing his eyes. The bags under his eyes were evident, they presented themselves as a whole new person.

"Do you want to say hi to Vida?" Oscar lifted his head a little bit, noticing his daughter in Cesars arms. Cesar smiled sheepishly, "I just gave her a bath."

"She's getting big."

His voice was raspy, it caused Cesars heart to drop. But he quickly replied as he felt he was making progress. "Yeah, she's a month and two weeks now."

Oscar licked his dry lips, sitting up slowly as if it took all his strength to do the simple action. "She eating?"

"Yeah." He replied, "she's chunky."

He held his hands out, quietly asking to hold her.

"Uh," Cesar stuttered, "go for it, hermano. She's all yours."

"Hi." Was all Oscar said. He held her tightly, taking a long, shaky breath. He closed his eyes, pressing his lips together.

Cesar watched with curious eyes, he was content but cautious m, he didn't know how to react.

"She looks so much like her." He said, "like Selena."

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now