La Santa - Chapter Twenty One

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Lee watched as Oscar jovially laughed with his homies, swinging the bottle of beer around as he told a story from his childhood. She smiled, running a hand down her plump belly. Soon he'd be telling his stories to their child.

He caught her staring, smirking softly. But as soon as they made eye contact, he went back to speaking, chuckling deeply as his friends laughed at what he said.

She looked down at her feet, crossing her legs, she inhaled a deep breath.

"You alright?"

She jumped, startled. "You scared me." She looked up at Oscar, blocking her eyes from the sun with her hand. "I'm okay."

He nodded, taking the seat next to her. He wrapped his arm around her, pressing a chaste kiss to her temple. "It's hot."

"It is." Lee agreed, nodding her head.

"Candelaria couldn't have chosen a better day to make pozole."

She giggled, setting her hand on his thigh. "I like seeing all of you guys together."

He smiled, "yeah?"

"Yeah." She turned to look at him, "you look so happy here."

"I'm always happy mama." He shrugged, "just haven't seen my cousins in a while."

She kept quiet, removing her hand from his thigh to set it on her belly. "Can you believe it?" He hummed, nodding once at her in confusion. "We're so close to finding out what our baby is."

He nodded his head, pulling his beer to his lips to take a sip. He licked his lips, swallowing. "I'm excited baby."

"I really hope it's a boy."

He snickered, "a boy?"

"Yeah, so he can be a Jr." He didn't respond, he just sighed. "I hope he looks like you."

He began to stand up, growing kinda annoyed. The baby talk wasn't really his conversation of choice, which was something he found really messed up and unsettling about himself, after all the child was his and they tried so hard to be where they were.

But then, Lee began cutting her hair, wanting to dye it crazy colors. And as hard as it was to admit, he found her acting more and more like Sabina. He was hoping it was all in his head, so until he could get those ugly thoughts out of his head, he didn't want to have an opinion on anything.

She watched him stand, confused. "You okay?"

"Yeah." He nodded, dusting his shorts off. "I just remembered Cesar was waiting for me inside."

He walked away, mentally cursing himself for being a dick to his pregnant girlfriend. She was gonna cry about that later.

As soon as he went to open the sliding glass door, Cesar appeared in front of him. "Hey compa."

"Hey." He mumbled, "can you go talk to Sabina? I'm gonna go to the restroom. Make something up."

Cesars mouth agape, "Sabi–" before he could get his question out, Oscar disappeared into the house.

Setting aside the confusion Oscar had brought upon him, he walked toward Selena, sitting in Oscars previous seat. "Cuñada." He joked, leaning forward to read her face. "How are you feeling today?"

"Good." She nodded, running a hand through her short, blue hair. "Oscars being weird."

"Oscars just weird in general." He shrugged, "don't take him too serious. I think he's just scared of being a dad."

"Yeah well," she began to pick at her nails, inhaling sharply, "we're all scared of change."

Deciding not to read too deep into her sentence, he agreed. "Sure." He smiled, "but he'll be fine."

Cesar studied her, carefully as she pressed her attention elsewhere. The similarities were beyond crazy, even the way she blinked and rolled her eyes were similar. But that's crazy, right?

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now