La Santa - Chapter Two

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Oscar sighed, shutting his eyes momentarily. When he opened them it was dark outside, he felt his chest become heavy as he looked at the empty space next to him. "Sabina." He whispered, "you there?" No response, his heart broke. "Please talk to me." His eyes made their way to the ceiling, reaching onto what was once her side of the bed. He felt nothing but cool sheets, that side of the bed hadn't been touched in two years. He always called to her when he woke up, hoping he was having a nightmare and she would be next to him. She never was.

His eyes filled with hot tears and he shut his eyes again. The truth was he wasn't okay, he hadn't been since she died. He put on a face because he was the leader of Los Santos and he was the one everybody looked at to be tough and emotionless. But he was dying on the inside, being without her was the closest he could get to hell while alive. He couldn't help but blame himself, if he hadn't kicked her out because she wanted to stay with Olivia she would still be alive right now. He would have her in his arms, not six feet in the ground, having to stare at a piece of cement with her name on it to talk to her.

He stood, sliding his shoes on, then walked out of his room with a soft sigh. It was dark out but it wasn't late, the homies were still outside. He could hear them having a loud conversation and Cesar laughing at what they said.

"Hey homie." Cesar nodded his head once at his brother. "How was your nap?"

Oscar jumped up onto the ledge, "I didn't sleep."

Cesar chuckled, looking at his homies who furrowed their eyebrows. "You've been out for four hours, mano." Oscar leaned his head on the wall behind him without a word, shutting his eyes. "You alright?"

He nodded, his eyes fluttering open as he licked his lips to speak. "Who is she?"

"Who?" Cesar raised his eyebrows.

"The ruca from earlier, Cesar."

"Oh." He cleared his throat, "her name is Selena, she lives in Crenshaw."

Oscar kept his eyes up, looking at the dark, cloudy sky. "Why does she look like my Sabina?"

His little brother shrugged, "I don't know, man." He looked down at the grass below him, "but she's not Sabina, Oscar."

"Obviously." He muttered, biting the side of his thumb nail. "Sabina's gone." Cesar frowned, motioning for the homies to let them talk alone. They all stood up, mumbling their 'goodbyes'. Then, they were alone, Cesar leaning his arms over the ledge Oscar was on. "It can't be a coincidence." Oscar grabbed a box a cigarettes from next to him, tapping them on his thigh. "She looks just like her."

"I know." Cesar said, he rested his jaw on the concrete before speaking again. "Maybe this is Sabina's way of watching after you."

"By sending me a whole ass chick who looks like her?" He stuck a cigarette in his mouth, chuckling as he reached for the lighter in his pocket. "Doesn't sound like something my girl would do. She probably kill me before I touch someone else."

Cesar watched him light the cigarette, then stick the lighter in his pocket as he drew it from his lips. "Think about it, mano." He said, "what are the odds she shows up in front of your house? Her backpack rips here? She meets us? How is it possible she looks just like her? Even her name sounds the exact same!"

Oscar hummed, filling his lungs with smoked "I hadn't thought about the name. Selena, Sabina. Damn that shits crazy." He laughed, shaking his head.

"Yeah. Either it's a crazy coincidence or it's a sign."

He rolled his eyes, "seriously? That shit doesn't happen Cesar."


"It doesn't." He shook his head, "she's just another hyna, that kinda looks like Sabina." He ashed his cigarette before speaking, "okay they have similar names? Big deal, you and I have similar names."

Cesar's face contorted, "because we're brothers."

Oscar pursed his lips, smoke pouring out of his nose as he rolled his eyes again. "Just drop it. It's done Cesar."

"Okay." He put his hands up in defense. "But when you get in your car to go looking for her in some heroic manner, I'ma say I told you so."

Oscar kissed his teeth, "ain't it past your bedtime? Get your ass inside."

Cesar gave him a lopsided grin, walking up the steps before looking back at him. "Can I say it early?"

"Get your–" he mumbled, bucking at him.

Cesar laughed, shutting the door behind him.

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now