La Santa - Chapter Eight

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"He said he wouldn't see you."

Oscar huffed, slamming his fist against the table. "Well tell him again."

Cuchillos sighed, "how about we drop it and you move on?"

"You want me to drop it? They killed an innocent—"

"It's an order, Spooky."

"With all do respect Cuchillos—"

"Have I made myself clear?" He warned.

Oscar nodded to himself, setting his head in his hand. "Yes sir."

"If I find out you went behind my back to speak to Demonio you will be put out. Understand me?"

"Yes sir." He mumbled again, biting the inside of his cheek to obtain his anger. As soon as Cuchillos ended the call, Oscar stood, throwing his phone with full force at the wall. Angry was an understatement. He had tried to set up a meeting with the Diablos' new leader and he was denied. Rejection wasn't easy for Oscar, he wasn't use to it.

Lee walked out of his bedroom, her eyebrows pulled together. "Everything okay?"

He set his hands on his hips, taking in a deep breath to calm himself. "Yeah, everything's fine."

She walked over to pick up his phone. It was completely cracked, front and back. "Doesn't seem like it."

Oscar opened his mouth to say something but it snapped shut when his phone began to ring in her hand. He took a few steps toward her, taking the device from her hand. "It's Cesar." He said, bringing the phone to his ear. "Hello?"

"Oscar? Where are you?" Cesar's panicked voice filled his ear, causing his face to contort.

"I'm at home, why? What's goin' on?"

"Ruby and I just got rolled up on."

"What?" Oscar began to pat his cargo shorts to check for keys, pulling them out as soon as he felt them. "Where? I'm on my way." Cesar proceeded to tell Oscar his location as he scrambled around for his gun. "I'll be right there, don't move."

"I'm coming with you."

"No." Oscar shook his head, "it's not safe for you to be out in the streets right now. Lock the door."


"I'm serious." He said. "Lock the door and stay in the room Lee. Don't look out of any of the windows and don't even think about opening the door. Understand me?" She gulped, nodding her head. "Good. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Then he walked out, shutting the door behind him. He waited to hear the door lock before he entered his car and drove away. A few blocks over, he spotted his little brother trying to calm down the short boy who was pacing as tears ran down his face. Oscar parked on the side of the road, opening his door. "What happened?"

"Diablos." Cesar said, "they rolled up, threatened Ruby and everybody you've ever come in contact with."

Oscar cursed, running a hand down his face as he thought for a second. "Take yourself and your friend home, both of you stay in the house. Nobody leaves until I get home."

"But what if you don't—"

"Nobody leaves until I get home." He repeated, causing Cesar to frantically nod. "Go, quickly. I'll be home after while."

Cesar continued to nod, wrapping his arm around Ruby as he walked him in the other direction. He looked back at Oscar for a second. "Be careful."

He sat in his car, shutting the door as he leaned his head back into the leather seat. He thought for a second before switching the gear and driving down the street.

The familiar 'entering hell' stop-sign made his skin crawl. He was so close to where Sabina died, his chest became heavy at the thought. He pulled up to the Diablos' trap house, putting his car in park. When he decided to turn back it was too late. The group of Diablos sitting around the yard had seen him already. They began to whistle, pulling their guns out.

Oscar opened his door, leaving it open as he put his hands up in surrender. The gang members surrounded him, one of them taking his gun from his waist band.

"I thought I said I didn't want to see a Santo." Oscar's eyes followed the deep voice to a man standing at the front door of what was once Lucifer's house. "How much clearer could I have made myself?" When Oscar didn't say anything he stepped out of the door frame, onto the concrete steps. "Now you gotta die cause you don't know how to listen?"

"Who the hell are you?" Oscar growled.

"You want my real name or my gang banger name first?" Oscar's eyebrows furrowed at the word 'gang banger'. "Alaric." He stepped down another step, "these people call me Demonio." He cracked his knuckles, "I'm in charge here."

"Okay." Oscar said, "then you and I need to talk."'

"I already told your boss 'no'." Alaric chuckled, "you can't take no for an answer?"

"No, obviously I can't." He shook his head, "that's why I'm here."

Alaric rolled his eyes, nodding at his men. "Alright let him in, I decide if he dies or not."

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now