La Santa - Chapter Fifteen

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Oscar stared up at the ceiling, the light from the window above his bed pouring in.

"Are you okay?" Oscar turned his head, making eye contact with Lee's confused face.

He didn't answer, he kept his lips pressed together as he reached up, setting two fingers under her jaw. Then he smiled, pinching her chin. "Buenos dias."

She exhaled a shaky breath, "you scared me." She ran a hand through her hair, "good morning." She laid down against his chest, placing a kiss onto his collar bone, "what'd you dream about?"

Again, he didn't answer. He didn't want to admit he was dreaming about Sabina or Lee possibly turning into her. He wanted to think it was because Rosario freaked him out, he didn't want to worry his girlfriend about it. "Can I tell you something mama?" He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer to his chest. He let out a content moan at the feeling of her warmth against his skin. She bit her lip, nodding as she listened to his heart beat quicken when she ran her finger tips up and down his stomach, stopping just below his belly button. "When Lucifer was alive, I spoke to him." He cleared his throat, "he told me a child would scare La Santa Muerte away."

Her hand stopped and she furrowed her eyebrows, "what?"

"Life scares death." He licked his dry lips before continuing, "I'm starting to think it's the only way Sabina could've gotten out of there."

Lee sighed, letting her arm now wrap around his bare torso. "What are you saying Oscar?"

"Maybe we should think about having a kid."

She sat up, her face contorting. "What?"

He huffed softly, "you said you would have my kid."

"Baby, it was in the moment. We didn't have a condom and–"

"You don't want to have my baby?"

She groaned, completely sitting up and crossing her legs. "I didn't say that."

"You didn't have to." He shook his head, "It's stupid, I'm sorry."

"It's not stupid." She watched him stand, following soon after, "I understand where you're coming from."

"You said it yourself." He opened the closet door, "life is short."

"But a baby?" He glanced at her as he grabbed a shirt and a pair of shorts, "are you ready for that Oscar?"

"I think I have my shit the right amount of together." Oscar shrugged, nodding at her. "You?"

She sat on the bed, "I don't know."

He shut the closet door, resting the black tank on his shoulder as he folded the pair of khaki shorts. "I'm not pressuring you into having a child, Lee. I just don't want to imagine what happens if Rosario was right, Los Diablos are crazy." She pouted and he stepped in front of her, lifting her chin with two fingers, "and I don't know if I'm going to live to my next birthday baby. I just want to make sure you do."

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now