La Santa - Chapter Six

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"Why are you staring at me?"

Lee blinked at Oscar, tilting her head to the side. "I've never seen a cholo eat ice cream before."

"Oh." He laughed, setting his spoon into the small bowl, "what? So I get a few tattoos and now I can't eat ice cream?"

She kissed her teeth, moving the ice cream around in her bowl, "I just keep fucking up."

Oscar shook his head softly with an amused smile, "you're okay, mama. I get it, my handsomeness got you all intimidated."

Her jaw dropped and her eyebrows knitted together as she brought the spoon to her lips, "wow, you're not that cute."

He looked down with a small chuckle, wiping his hands with a napkin before balling it up and setting it in the bowl. "You ready?"

"Is that Sabina?"

Oscar turned in his chair completely, watching the two cholos walk towards their table. He stood, standing in front of them. "Back up."

Lee stood slowly, confused. "Do you know—"

"Nah." The man with the 'Diablos' tattoo on the side of his neck reached into his back pocket. "We came to finish the job, she left us without a home."

Oscar pushed the man back, "you goin' have to kill me first then puto."

The man pulled the gun from his pocket, cocking it in Oscar's face. "Bet I won't."

Oscar kept a straight face, his hand reaching behind to make sure Lee was covered by his body.

The man chuckled, then licked his lips as he put the gun back into his pocket. "Look at you, soft ass Santo." He looked Oscar up and down before turning. "We'll be seeing you real soon Sabina." He motioned his hand to his homie for them to get out of there and they walked away.

"Come on." Oscar mumbled, grabbing Lee's arm. "Let me get you home." He pulled her towards his car, ignoring all of her questions.

"Why does everybody keep calling me that name?" He opened the door for her, pushing her in softly without a word. Then he walked around the front of the car, sitting in the drivers seat as he started it. "Oscar." She said, "answer me." His jaw flexed as he spun out of the parking lot, his eyes direct. He was angry and didn't want to take it out on Lee. "Okay you know what?" Finally, he turned to look at her, but only for a second. "Stop the car, I'm walking home."

"Are you stup—" she raised an eyebrow and he groaned, hitting the steering wheel with his open palm. "You just saw what happened and you want to walk?" He glanced out of the window, making a left turn. "You know what them vatos would do to you?"

"Looks like we're about to find out." She reached for the door handle, "stop the car."

"No I'm not gon—" He was cut off by an ambulance racing by, almost hitting his car. He stepped on the brake, causing them to jerk forward. Lee pushed the door open, strutting down the sidewalk. "Fuck." He gritted his teeth, putting the car in park before undoing his seat belt and opening his car door to follow her. "Lee!" She ignored him, crossing her arms. "Lee, I'm talking to you!" He picked up the pace, running in front of her. He grabbed her shoulders, stopping her from walking away. "Are you insane? This shits real. They'll kill you."

"They don't have a reason to." She shrugged, attempting to get out of his grip. "Unless, you know why they could possibly want me dead?"

Oscar kissed his teeth, shutting his eyes. His frustration took over and he spilled. "My ex girlfriend, she was involved with some really bad people."

"What the hell does your stupid relationship have to do with me?" She tried her best to push his hands away, but he wouldn't budge.

"You just..." he licked his lips, "some may say you look like her."

"Oh whatever." She scoffed, "let go of me, Oscar!"

His hands fell and he reached for his phone, pressing the power button. When he put the device to her face she studied his background, her lips parting slightly. Sabina's lips were larger than Lee's, and Lee didn't have her tattoos. But other than that; it was as if she was looking at a slightly edited picture of herself.

"I—" she grabbed his phone, to study it further. "Who is she?"

"She was Sabina, my girl." He cleared his throat, "she passed a while back."

Lee's eyes quickly left the phone, looking up at Oscar who had turned his head away, looking at a tree across the street. "I'm sorry." She said, "I didn't know she..."

He cleared his throat, shaking his head. "Don't be sorry."

She looked down at her feet, "But I am, I was mean to you."

He nudged her, "ain't nothin' you can say that'll get to me, I've heard it all."

Lee hummed, nodding. "We'll see about that, I say a lot of stupid shit." He laughed, mindlessly walking her back toward the car. "Wait." She looked around. "Do you hear that?" Then she ran up to the open window of his Impala, noticing her phone ringing on the seat. The contact said 'Rosa Gonzalez'. Oscar watched her put the phone to her ear, answering it quickly. "Mrs. Gonzalez, everything okay?"

He could hear the sirens through the phone from where he was standing, his eyebrows knitting together. "Slow down, I can't understand you. I– what?" He became worried at her panicked state, motioning for her to get in the car. She sat, listening to Mrs. Gutierrez ramble on. "Señora que está pasando?" The phone fell out of her hand when Mrs. Gutierrez spoke the four words she never thought she would hear. "Your mom was killed."

La Santa | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now