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"You look absolutely amazing." Jungkook said as he reached my bedroom door. I was putting on my heals and I looked up to him, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open a little.

I giggled and looked back down focusing on buckling the heals. "I'd be surprised if I can walk in these after what you did to me." I finished buckling and sat straight looking at him still staring. "Jungkook?"

"Huh?" He asked finally looking in my eyes.

I laughed again. "Like what you see?" I asked standing up. His eyes looked over me as he stepped into my room and closed the door behind him. He got a dark look in his eye, and he made two large strides to me before I held my hand up stopping him. "NO WAY!" I said loudly so he'd stop.

He froze in his tracks and pouted. "What?"

" already did your worst earlier...if I have any hope of going to this will restrain yourself."

He smirked and leaned against my ball with his arms crossed at his chest, and one ankle resting over the other. "You think I did my worst?"

I swallowed thickly...I really didn't mean that as a challenge...fuck.

"That wasn't my worst." He leaned there with a smug smirk, and I had to regain my own composure.

"Either way...let my body rest for now. If you still want me to go." I said raising my eye brow.

"Fine. But you really do look amazing." he said walking towards me again.

I was wearing a dress that stopped just above my knees, the skirt of it flowy. It was a halter top, to which I needed to wear a strapless bra. It was simple, and black, and I had no jewelry on other than earrings in my ears. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug smiling down at me. "Thank you, you look incredibly handsome yourself." I replied taking a lose grip on the leather jacket he was wearing.

"Thank you. Are you ready then? Can you walk?" he smirked.

"I'm fine." I said narrowing my eyes.

He laughed and moved back taking my hand and pulling me out of my room. "Next time you won't be."



It had been a long time since I had been to a college party, and to be quite honest I was a little nervous. Not about being at a party, but as we started walking up t the front of the house, and I could hear the music playing, I realized that this was for Jungkook's most of the people here were going to be his age.

6 years my junior.


He held on to my hand tightly and when we walked in the door, he let go of my hand to wrap his arm around my waist. He held me close as we made our way through the crowd of people. He greeted several people on our way in, giving high fives, half hugs and even some handshakes. Each one of them nodding to me politely and me giving a smile back. As we made it into the kitchen, I saw someone I recognized.


"Hey Mark!" Jungkook smiled to him, giving him a fist bump. "I thought you were DJing?"

"My own party? Nah...Jackson is on his own tonight." He smiled and looked over to me. "Hey Noona, it's good to see you, I'm really glad you came."

He reached forward and gave me an awkward hug. It was only awkward because the man child that was next to me clung to me as if I was going to be taken away. When Mark pulled away he gave Jungkook a look and I could have kissed him for what he said next.

"Are you afraid my gay ass is going to jump her? Jeeze Kook...relax...lighten up." he rolled his eyes and gave me a wink walking away with a wave. I waved back and then turned to Jungkook and flicked him on his forehead as he watched Mark walk away.

"What was that for?" he grumbled and rubbed the same spot.

"You clung to me like a damn koala bear not letting me hug him properly...did you think he was going to make a move?" I laughed.

"I'm sorry...I just know how some of the guys here can be." He said as he looked over my shoulder.

I turned to see another familiar face walking towards us. Hoseok had pointed him out at the first party I attended with these hooligans and if I remember correctly, it was the guy he wanted to hook me up with. I got worried when I felt Jungkook go stiff next to me and curl his arm around me even more. He tried to move us but the guy reached us before we could really go anywhere.

"Jungkook....nice of you to make it."

"Jaebum." he said in a low voice.

"And who's this?" He asked smiling as he gestured toward me.

I smiled in return and introduced myself. "It's nice to meet you Jaebum."

"So you're the girl Hoseok told me about? Joon's sister?"

"I am." I smiled shrugging, then put my arm around Jungkook to ease his mind a bit.

Jaebum noticed and his eyes went fro my arm around Kookie, up to meet his gaze; which wasn't friendly. "So...are you two..."

"That is none of your business." Jungkook snapped back.

Jaebum smiled and looked over to me. "If you are not his date, find me later, I'd love to share a dance with you." He gave me a wink, and then looked at Jungkook before moving past us.

"I hate that guy." He said staring after him.

"Why didn't you just tell him that I came with you?" I asked him.

He looked back down to me and leaned, giving me a kiss on my lips. "Because I think it's obvious right now." he said holding me even tighter and kissing me again.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say."

He smiled and we moved to their back yard where there was a few tables for beer pong, and a bon fire going. We went over by the bonfire and Jungkook sat in one seat and I went to sit in the one next to him. He disagreed with that, instead, pulling me in to sit on his lap.

"I thought you wouldn't make it." I heard from the other side of us.

I got comfortable on his lap and I turned to see a smirking face next to us.

"Hey Yugyeom!" Jungkook said reaching his hand over to him.

I moved so that I was facing his cousin and smile. Yugyeom took hold of his hand and shook, his eyes flicking to me and his smirk growing. "You must be Jungkook's Noona." he said reaching over to me. I shook his hand and nodded.

"That makes me your Noona too." I said winking at him.

I felt Jungkook's grip on my thigh tighten, which made me giggle. "Well it's nice to meet you. Jungkook as told me a lot about you." as he spoke his eyes went from my face, down to my legs that Jungkook had hold of, and I know Jungkook saw it too, because he tightened his grip even more.

"I swear it's all lies." I said making him laugh.

"I don't think so...Jungkook wouldn't lie about...that."

I raised and eye brow and turned to the man I was sitting on, who's eyes were glued to his cousin. The glare he was giving him would have scared anyone, but Yugyeom only laughed. I lifted my hand taking hold of his chin, pulling his gaze back to me.

When his eyes locked with mine, it was my turn to speak. "We'll talk about it later." I said before placing a kiss on his lips.  

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