Prologue: Presentations

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From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There's more to see than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be doneThere's far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high
Through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless roundIt's the circle of life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and loveTill we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle
The circle of lifeIt's the circle of life
And it moves us all
Through despair and hope
Through faith and loveTill we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle
The circle of life

(Pride Rock) Third Person POV

Mufasa and Sarabi's Pride:

Rafiki brings baby Simba back into his arms. As the bowing herds raise and cheer for the new prince once more. Before leaving for another presentation and Rafiki goes back over to the pride. "He is perfectly healthy, he will be a worthy king" he declares placing back in Sarabi's paws.

"Before you leave Rafiki, we have one last thing to announce" Mufasa tells him.

"Of course" he says smiling.

"Sarafina has had a cub also, a female called Nala" Sarabi explains.

"Yes, and we would like it known that she will marry Simba in future" Mufasa adds.

"I have already agreed to it" Sarafina adds.

"Marvelous, I shall make sure to be ready when that joyous day comes" Rafiki tells them smiling. He then leaves to return to his tree. To wait for his little sister Isa, who is presenting the heir of the River Pride today also.

(Mount Pride) Third Person POV

Isa carried young Amber to the cave entrance cliff and holds her up for the herds to see once they'd gathered

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Isa carried young Amber to the cave entrance cliff and holds her up for the herds to see once they'd gathered. "I present Princess Amber of the River Pride" Isa declares proudly. The herds all cheer as young Amber looks around in wonder. They then bow to her as they did to Prince Simba. Isa brings Amber back safely tucked into her chest before returning to the cave. Where Amber's parents and pride waited for her.

"Thank you Isa" Queen Dawn says.

"Yes, we are very grateful" King Axel adds. Isa smiles placing Amber by her mother's stomach. Where she begins to suckle happily.

"She is a strong young cub, will be a fine queen" Isa tells them. Just then Cera walks over with her young cub Tama. She lays down placing Tama in between her front paws. "Oh whose this precious bundle of joy?" Isa asks looking at Tama.

 "Oh whose this precious bundle of joy?" Isa asks looking at Tama

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"My daughter Tama" Cera says proudly.

"I'm sure her and Amber will be best friends, just like us" Dawn announces smiling.

"I hope so" Cera says smiling.

"Is it true the pride landers have a prince?" Axel asks Isa.

"Yes, he's name is Simba. My brother is presenting him today" Isa explains.

"Interesting" Axel muses.

"Yes, very. I wonder how Scar took the news" Dawn says curious.

"I'm sure he'll get over it, I'd be more worried about that teenager he keeps around" Cera states.

"Zira?" Isa asks her.

"Yes, somethings not right about her" Cera tells them.

"We'll be there for them if they ever need us" Dawn states.

"We will" Axel agrees.

"I'm sure Mufasa and Sarabi will appreciate it, they hope the treaty continues to remain strong. That it'll continue until long after your cubs reign ends" Isa states.

"We pray for that too" Dawn tells her.

"I must be going, before Rafiki worries about my whereabouts" Isa announces. "Take care of these precious gems and I'll stay in touch. Until next time" Isa says with a bow before leaving.

Amber lets go of her mother's tit with a yawn. Dawn picks her up gently and places her in between her front paws. "I'm going on patrol" Axel announces he rubs against Dawn and their daughter purring. Before leaving as Dawn smiles after him.

Once he was gone Cera and Dawn start to groom the cubs. As Mary, Tilly and June approach them. "Oh they're adorable" Mary gushes. This is the first time they've meet the new cubs. As Cera and Dawn left the den to have them. Cera and Dawn only appeared after hunts to eat before returning to their cubs.

But now they have returned to the den and are staying there. "Yes, both are beautiful" Tilly states.

"High praise from you cuz" June states smiling.

"More girl power though" Mary states.

"True" Tilly and June say nodding their heads in agreement. The mothers finish grooming their cubs who have fallen asleep. "So a hunt tomorrow?" Tilly asks hopeful.

"Yes" Dawn says nodding. "Axel shall watch the cubs while we hunt" she states. The girls nod their head in understanding. Before all deciding to take a nap with the cubs.


Picture above of Amber being presented to her parents and picture on external link of Mount Pride's cave. Pictures in chapter of the River Pride Lionesses and Tama.

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