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Throwing her keys on the counter and walking over to the fridge Mrs. Davidson laid her head on the cold door and sighed. "I want yogurt."

Picking up the disregarded keys and putting them in the bowl where they belonged Brooke turned on the house lights, "You had a huge dinner."

"But I'm hungry again!" Closing the door, she pulled out her phone, "Let's order pizza."

Shaking her head the brunette decided against arguing and hung up her sweater in the closet.

Glancing up from her phone Sophie could tell her lover was stressed and anxious. Everything that happened with her dad made her shut down, and Being at such a big dinner with people trying to be in your face constantly didn't help either. "You looked beautiful tonight."

"Thank you."

Biting the inside of her lip, she pushed order and laid her head in her hands. "It's over you can relax now."

Looking over to see her bright blue eyes Brooke smiled and nodded. "I know." She ran her hair back and took a deep breath. "What's your favorite color?"

"Green." She answered with zero hesitation. "Why do you ask?"

Walking over she leaned her head in her hand to mimic Sophie. "I just want to know everything about you."

"You'll have plenty of time to learn."

Staring at each for a couple of seconds, they were caught off guard when there was a knock at the door. "There's some tip money under the book by the door."

Rolling her eyes Brooke went to go answer it and left Mrs. Davidson alone in the kitchen. Sticking her hand in her pocket she finally let her breathe go as she felt the case still safely tucked away. Maybe it was too early, but this was what she wanted. Only a few months ago a shy awkward girl sat across from her at the island and ate pie but now a woman went with her to important dinners and found out ways to make people like her. She was everything she wanted.

Honestly, she needed her.

Running her speech through her head she walked out and through the hallway where Brooke folded the money and opened the door.

Usually slow motion was cool. In movies it adds a certain amount of depth and feeling but in real life when things seem slow motion it's tragic.

Maybe it was God, maybe it was the universe, maybe it was aliens controlling it all. Either way it was cruel.

Taking something tragic and slowing it down so you can relish in reality.

See it play over and over again in your mind as it happens.

The way your brain sends signals to your heart to make it want to stop beating to cope.

She hadn't seen Jerry in weeks. Now he stood there with a face of stone. His heart had stopped long ago.

With eyes wide and arms stretched out, Sophie Davidson knew she couldn't stop it.

The bullet that ran forward and found its home in Brooke's stomach.

When Brooke met the warm medal, she closed her eyes and let gravity do the rest.

She didn't exactly feel pain, but she felt a sting. Opening her eyes slightly she felt a ringing in her ear. It made since to see blonde hair surrounding her and tears fall in her face. Even though she felt screams and pure panic she couldn't keep herself awake to tell her lover it was going to be ok.

Wrapping her jacket around the petite girl Mrs. Davidson cried and held on tightly. She knew Jerry was still standing behind her, but she didn't care.

"That was meant for you." He whispered staring at the pool of blood hit his muddy shoes. Looking at his ex-wife who wouldn't quite herself he raised the gun up slowly. He felt a pain in his head from his body missing the alcohol, but he pulled the trigger anyway.

He didn't bother to see where it hit or how she fell. He only punched his head between his palms. The headaches reminding him of his need for liquid were too painful. That was the only thing that needed him. Drinks.

Wiping his nose in his jacket and leaving the house the messy brown headed man Sat down on the front steps and observed his old house. She really had made it look beautiful. He just didn't expect her to do it for someone else. Someone like Brooke.

Ian had told him to leave that night. Run away and start a new life. He promised to run in his behalf and figure out what was goi g on with his wife.

In a way this was justice for him too. They both never stood up for themselves so now they could sleep well knowing revenge was as sweet as the beer that flowed down their throats during those long nights in Austin.

Looking down at his hands that held the weapon he admired it and wondered who made it. Was it a factory that printed on the designs or was it someone making them homemade?

Holding it up to his mouth, he decided it didn't matter. He could rest now knowing Sophie paid for what she did to him.

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