Chapter 5: New Queen?

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"Your best friend Taehyung is a scholar

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"Your best friend Taehyung is a scholar."

W-what? If I describe myself right now I am like an ice because I cannot move because of shock. I can't believe he's a scholar, I've known him for more than 1 decade and I didn't know that he's a scholar?

"W-what?" I'm literally tearing up right now. What if everyone finds it out? He will be bullied. Well I'm not scared if he gets bullied because I can defend him and he can defend himself. I'm scared that he's gonna be kicked out of the university because if he's going to be kicked out, I'll never see him anymore.

"Remember the first time we met? I was in the hospital right?" he said, he's close to crying also and he's not drunk anymore and so as I.

"Y-yes, why?"

"My father died that time," he said and a tear fall from his eye.

"You should have said it to me," I said while wiping my tears. Remember I just wanted to know why he's kinda mad at me this morning? And I didn't expect that he has a bigger secret.

"After that our company shut down. I know someone's company sabotaged it and then stole it from us that's why I enrolled in the university as a scholar, I need to know who did it. I need to make a revenge for my dad," he said while wiping his tears. I hugged him tightly, he needs comfort.

"Does anyone know it except for me?"

"Only the school's president knows it, did you know that the president knows all of the scholars? He doesn't say it to Irene because he knows that Irene will call a bunch of people and then bully them until they'll request to just be kicked out of the university."

"Don't worry Taehyung, I'll make sure no student will know this except for me."

The next morning, we still went to our school together. I let Taehyung to sleep on my room because it was already late that time. He slept on the floor but I put a comforter below him so that he will still feel comfortable, I also slept on the floor so that it won't feel awkward.

We were walking towards the room when we saw a bunch of students in front of the president's office. They are shouting while holding some banners. "WE NEED A NEW QUEEN! WE NEED A NEW QUEEN!" They shouted endlessly.

 "WE NEED A NEW QUEEN! WE NEED A NEW QUEEN!" They shouted endlessly

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"What's going on Jisoo?" I asked Jisoo, she's with Jin. "The people are requesting to have a new queen, it's because Irene doesn't fit the attitude of a queen bee. And I think they had the courage because of you, Jennie," she said excitedly. Seriously, they're excited? There's like a rally in our school and then they are excited?

"W-what?" I don't understand, how did they had courage because of me? "Remember that you fought with Irene on the first day? All of the students are shocked because you were the first person to do that to Irene. And here they are, they are shouting for the president to go out of his office because they want to have a new queen and that's because of you Jennie, you motivated them," Jisoo said while smiling. I lifted my gaze to Taehyung who's smiling too.

Suddenly, the door of the president's office was opened. The shouting were gone for a second. "What's going on?!" the president shouted, and he has Irene on his side.

"WE NEED A NEW QUEEN! WE NEED A NEW QUEEN!" the crowd shouted again.

"What?" the president mumbled. He then go up in the court stage while the people are still holding their banners but not shouting. We followed him on the court.

"We need a new queen Mr. Bae. Irene doesn't fit a queen's attitude. We know that Irene has been the queen for years but the crowd has spoken already. Ms. Kim gave us the courage to speak," one of the student said while looking at me. Everyone already looked at me while smiling, Irene had an annoyed face and I can sense that she's really mad at me. His dad just maintained a serious face.

"Okay, I know that a queen has all the responsibilities all of the students should obey her commands, even of it's not good. I've already decided, we're going to have a new queen," the president said, everyone was shocked and then yelled in excitement. I looked at Irene and she has a very shocked and annoyed face.

"Seriously dad, you're going to replace me?" Irene said. "Irene, nowadays majority always wins. And after all you are still my daughter so you still have a power, but you should still be friends with the new queen that I will pick," the president calmly said.

He stood his gaze to all of us, "Picking a queen is not an easy decision so I am scheduling a ball on Friday, we will call it 'The Ball of the Parvenus'. In that day classes are dismissed, and I will pick the new queen." The crowd shouted in excitement.

"Jennie, this is your time to shine!"

"You should have a prettier gown than Irene that day, Jennie."

"Jennie, I am sure that you are going to be the next queen."

I laughed on what they are saying. Suddenly the president spoke for the last time.

"I'm not yet done. I will also pick a king. Wear red gowns and suits this Friday." he said and everyone was open-mouthed.

Well, when I should be the new queen, I know my best friend Taehyung should be my king.


A/N: Stay tuned for revelations! Thank you!


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