Chapter 17: Her Plan

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Kim Jennie's Point of View

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Kim Jennie's Point of View

I opened my eyes as my eyes meet the sunlight that is passing through the windows of my room. I got up, opened the windows and absorbed the fresh air outside. It has been a day since I accepted being the queen.

I really miss the times when Taehyung was bringing me cinnamon rolls, his annoying voice when he's screaming actually feels like a tickle to my ears, a thing that I will never hear again.

"Jendeukie! I bought our favorite cinnamon rolls for us!"

"Let's go Jendeuk."

I suddenly felt a drop of tear that fell from my eye. He's not calling me Jendeuk anymore, he's not coming with me all the way to school and he's not buying me my favourite cinnamon rolls for my breakfast anymore. My life has changed when I accepted being the queen that I always wanted.

But I need to do this. Not because I'm selfish but because I felt guilty of what my dad did to Taehyung's life. Taehyung studied to Parvenu University because he wants to know who killed his father and made his life miserable. But coincidentally, the one who killed his father is actually his bestfriend's father. And he still didn't know. I know that he wants to get revenge on that person who killed his father but what if... What if the day has come that he would know that it was my father who made his life miserable?

Will he hate me? Will he be ashamed of me? Will he still call me his 'best friend'?

I don't think so.

So I outran him. I accepted being the queen and didn't mind him so that he will feel that I betrayed him. Even if 'the way' to fake him is to flirt with Kai, I will do. I'd rather see him angry with me because I flirted with Kai than see him angry with me because I was the one who made his life the worst.

My tears kept on falling from my eye. Even if it hurts me when I see him looking at me with such a sad face, I still feel relief because I know he's mad at me with a different reason.

I'm sorry Taehyung, but the only thing I know to go away is to hurt you.

I've already arrive at our school, I rode a bus though. I am here at the school's garden because I thought of thinking since it was still early.

Did I make the right decision? I don't really want to regret things later on. My mind keeps saying that my decision was right but my heart disagrees.

"Hello, b*tch."

I turn around and faced the person who said it with an emotionless face.

"I don't have time for your immature sh*t Irene," I said and she looked at me with a furious face.

I turned away and was about to get out when, "I've heard you accepted being the queen right?" I stopped. Here we go again. "And that means you are close to being Kai's girlfriend, which is MY BOYFRIEND."

I turned around. She's really consuming my patience. "What do you care?"

She walked towards me and smirked, "You're going to regret being with Kai, Jennie."


"Trust me, I've been there," she cut me and walked away.



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