Chapter 21: Groom

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4th Game: Taekwondo

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4th Game: Taekwondo

Kim Jong-In: 1
Kim Taehyung: 2

I can see fire in their eyes as they walk to the stage. They are wearing taekwondo costumes now, I actually heard that Kai is good in taekwondo and karate but Taehyung... I know he didn't learn that. So probably Kai will win this one, another tie again. Sh*t.

"Taehyung is leading so if he won this he is the winner of the game. But... if Kai won, there will be a tiebreaker round. And as what I have said, the game is a secret." Screams filled the whole court because of excitement. I'm really kind of nervous because I don't know what kind of game is the 'secret game'.

"Hana, dul, ses!" Irene shouted as they started. Kai started it off with a kick that Taehyung easily parried. The crowd was shouting endlessly.

I was stunned for a moment when Kai's kick hit Taehyung that made him fall. The crowd yelled once again, some are cheering for Kai and some are for Taehyung. Taehyung did not hesitate to go up even if the kick was a really hard one. It even hit him in the neck.

I was actually standing right now looking at them fighting. This is just a game, but they are doing it like their lives are at sake. It seems like they're very serious about it and no one wants to lose.

Suddenly I felt guilt. Why is Taehyung fighting for me? After all I had done, I dumped him, I chose Kai instead of him, and now? He is there fighting for me. I only treat him my bestfriend but I feel like he treats me like a princess.

I felt a tear came down from my eye and wiped it immediately so no one will notice. I didn't realize V's sacrifices for me while I am there, having fun and acting like a b*tch.

I was then stricken when I heard all of them screaming, yelling and shouting. When I looked at them, Taehyung was downed on the floor with blood on his lip. I stopped myself from crying because I really want to help V and hug him right now.

"Taehyung fell down! Now we will count 5 seconds and if he doesn't get up, then Kai is our winner for this round!" Irene cheered as if Taehyung's blood was a joke. He is bleeding! He wiped off the blood from his lips and tried to get up but he can't. He looked at me and saw my tears that our about to fall. He just smiled.

Why are you like that Kim Taehyung?

"5!" Irene and the crowd shouted.

"4...3...2!" I was literally holding my breath. Get up Taehyung!

"1..." as they say it I saw Kai's lips forming a smirk. Taehyung really can't get up and fight again. I know aside from his bleeding lip, his body is aching too.


Kim Jong-In: 2
Kim Taehyung: 2

Everyone was congratulating Kai even if it is still not over. They are tied. I walked towards Taehyung while the medical nurses are treating him. "A-are you okay?" My question was a bit off. I know he's not okay and still I asked him if he's okay.

He chuckled, "Yes."

"Why are you like that? Why are you still kind even when people are already playing around with you?"

"I can do anything and everything... for you, Jen." His answer didn't answer my question. Once again I stopped a tear from falling.

"Jennie! You're not allowed to talk to Taehyung," Irene said and walked towards us. "What do you care? B*tch." I whispered the word b*tch. "I am still the queen here," I continued.

"Fine! Whatever. Just go faster because the last game will be soon," she said and walked away. She doesn't even care about Taehyung's condition! I am so pissed.

"So, What do you think is the last game?" Irene asked the students. Even I don't have a clue about this last game which is a secret. "So since Taehyung was still not okay, our last game will be... Confess Game! So both of you will think about a sentence of confession to Jennie. And here's the twist! The crowd is the one who will decide who wins," the crowd screamed like it's their last. But this is unfair! I should be the one who will decide. What if there are a lot of Kai's fans on the crowd?

"Let's start!"

5th Game: Confess Game

Kim Jong-In: 2
Kim Taehyung: 2

Taehyung went on first. He walked and stopped in front of me.

"I know you are not expecting this but... I like you ever since we're eight, Jennie."

I was literally stunned and open-mouthed. I didn't expect for him to say that! For all his sacrifices, how he fought for me, how his eyes are sad when I'm with Kai, how bad he felt when I accepted on being the queen, now I know. It's all because he likes me. My best friend likes me.

My ears are like stuck. The world stopped. It is weird that I can't hear any noises, screams and yells. My eyes and ears are fixed on Taehyung. He smiled and I can't help but smile back. I did not really expect for him to like me...

"So now it is Kai's turn!" The moment was broken because of Irene. It feels like the world suddenly moved again. I can now hear the yells and screams from everyone.

"This one is also unexpected but, since I am the King and you are the Queen, can you be my real-life Queen and be my girlfriend?"

I was deaf for like a moment. The crowd screamed loud. Kai, asked me if I want to be his girlfriend? I was shocked but not the same as on Taehyung.

"So who's the winner?" Irene asked the crowd. The crowd keeps on shouting 'Kai', but there is Jin, Nayeon and Jisoo that is shouting 'Taehyung'. If only I was the one who will pick, I will definitely pick Taehyung.

"So, Kai WINS THIS ROUND! And of course it is a tie-breaker, he is the winner of the game!" Everyone cheered. I looked at Taehyung and he is just smiling at me saying 'it's okay'.

But it is so unfair! I really want to grab Irene's hair right now because of her nonsense rules. If only I could, I just don't want to cause some trouble here.

Kim Jong-In: 3
Kim Taehyung: 2

"So Jennie, are you ready to be Kai's bride?" Irene asked me, smirking.


A/N: I'm okay now... I hope you like this chapter.


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