Chapter 28: Psycho

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My back hurts

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My back hurts. All I can remember is that last night I am on a bar with Kai. And after that...

TAEHYUNG AND I KISSED! I can't believe I did that.

And wait.... I'm not on my house! And this is NOT my bed.

"Are you awake already?" I heard a gentle voice somewhere in the kitchen. I scratched my eyes because it's blurry. This house is familiar...


Sh*t! I just realized that I'm on his condo unit and lying on HIS BED?! My clothes were still on but I have a jacket on. If I slept in his bed, then where did he sleep?

I immediately get up and rush to the kitchen where he is. I'm facing his back and he's wearing an oversized white shirt and shorts up to the knees. He is cooking and it smells so good since I didn't stuff my stomach last night.

I cleared my throat before talking. "Wh-why am I here?" I said and then he faced me.

"You fell asleep on Kai's car last night while I'm driving. Then I saw Kai's friends and I asked them to drive Kai back to his home. So I carried you to your condo, but you refused. You said you wanted to stay at my unit, so I brought you here."

"I said that?!" I can't stop my voice from raising. I said that to him? I sound so desperate. He also carried me, and I know I am really heavy. He shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

I don't know what I am feeling right now. I'm angry, sad, shocked and somehow I'm happy just because he smiled.

This weird feeling never stops.

I am now in my condo. Taehyung preparing breakfast for us still wanders on my mind and I can't stop thinking about it. But suddenly, my smile disappeared when someone texted me.

Kai: My friends invited me tonight at the bar. Wanna come?

Somehow I rolled my eyes. But for the nth time, I have no choice.

So now he is having a fun again while I'm doing nothing. Sometimes Chanyeol talks to me, he's actually a good friend. He even offered me some pretty cocktails.

After their not-so-fun night-out, here am I guiding Kai to his car. He is so drunk and he looks dizzy. He tumbles endlessly.

"Kai!" I shouted at him. He tumbled again and just laughed. I tossed him at the passenger's seat and them I drove his car.

His phone actually has the location of his condominium so I have no worries on where to go. At that time we went to his condo, it looks like a five-star hotel. He is really a rich guy.

I was about to left him on his door but he held my hand. "You're gonna left already? Seriously?" He stood up and held my waist. Our faces are so close right know that it is so uncomfortable.

"Kai, stop," I protested. "Just come inside. It doesn't matter, we're in a relationship..." he said straight up to my face that made me smell the wine or liquor on his breath.

He pulled me inside of his room. His room is beautiful but its messy. Full of used clothes, foods and everything. It looks like he doesn't clean his room that much.

"Sit on there, I'll prepare dinner for us," he said as he went to the kitchen. I looked over his room, he even has some nice chandeliers. But I'm really bored because I left my phone in his car. Argh!

My eyes caught his phone on the table. I looked at the kitchen and I know he is still preparing. It's not that bad if I'll take a sneak peek on his phone right?

I opened his Twitter account and my playful smile disappeared with the trending post I saw.

Miss Kim Jennie, a student of Parvenu University spotted kissing Kim Taehyung! She's in a relationship right?

Comments: (1.7 m)

@imsocool: What a flirt. Last day she was dating Kai and now she's kissing Taehyung?
@roasted: Her father just died and now she's flirting with some guys in their school.
@CUTEAF: B*tch!
@raspbenny: I thought she's a full package until I saw this. ToXIc.
@owshoot: Kai should see this @Jong-InKai

All the other comments are tagging Kai on there. I was so shocked. And the comments were hurtful. I can't even understand myself on why I kissed-back Taehyung. And people nowadays always say sh*tty comments about something they don't even know. They don't know my story yet they act like one.

"What are you doing?" Kai asked me, pointing at his phone. He laughed and I was scared that he might see this. I was struck that I didn't know he already got the phone.

I stood up and held his right arm. "K-kai—"

I was so shocked because he suddenly changed his emotion and strangled me. He pinned me on the wall. His grip was so tight that I can't breathe and I can feel my eyes watering. His anger are seen from his eyes that made me scared.

"K-kai—stop—" I feel like my veins are about to blow out. My eyes are already half-closed and was about to lose breath when he loosened his grip. I feel on the floor endlessly coughing and catching my breath.

Also I can't stop from crying. That was the first time I felt like dying.

Suddenly, Kai joined me on the floor and gently held my arm, "J-jennie, I don't mean it—"

I cut what he said by opening his door and running outside. I can see the staffs looking at me and they are worried. I'm still catching my breath and my clothes were rumpled.

"Miss, are you okay?" The staff asked me. He offered me a glass of water and offered me a seat. When I got better, I rushed towards the exit and then took a taxi.

This time don't care anymore about the president. No matter what he will do, I'll still break up with Kai, that psycho.


A/N: This will have a Book 2... Actually.


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