Chapter 27: He's Drunk

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It's Saturday, and no matter what I do, Taehyung crosses my mind

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It's Saturday, and no matter what I do, Taehyung crosses my mind. And I hate it. How did he know that my father was the one who sabotaged them? And what's more shocking is that he's not mad at me.

I know that he is an understanding person but now? He acts like an idiot. How can he not hate the one who made his life miserable? He should shout at me! Hurt me! Say painful words! But what? He didn't. And that just made me more stressed.

I'm stressed because he is such a kind person. If I was in his situation right now, I will hate Joo-hyung for the rest of my life and also his daughter.

Why are you like this Taehyung?

Suddenly, Kai texted me. I am still mad at him because of yesterday, he left me just because of his friends. It's not that I'm jealous, but I waited for so long in that bar just for him.

Kim Jong-In: Let's date later, same place. I'm so sorry for what happened last night. Forgive me, I love you.

I don't know why but I cringed. But still, I have to fake it until I make it.

Jennie: It's okay. What time?

Kai: At exactly 8 0'clock. I'll fetch you with my car this time.

Well, I have no choice. AGAIN.

I am retouching my blush-on when I heard Kai's car horning outside of my house. I immediately went outside wearing a more stylish outfit.

 I immediately went outside wearing a more stylish outfit

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I saw his four-seater Bugatti Veyron approaching me. He went down on his car and opened the door for me. "You look beautiful, as always." He placed his hand on my waist! Argh! I already regret wearing this dress. I just flashed a fake smile and then went inside his car.

We were just quiet inside the car. Sometimes he starts a conversation but I'm always ending it without him noticing it.

Inside the bar, he introduced me to his friends such as Chanyeol, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun. They were actually nice, but Kyungsoo was a little too serious.

I am happy with Kai, but not that comfortable. He is like a stranger that I should be close with. Kai and his friends started taking shots until they got drunk.

"Goodbyee~" Kai shouted. I am guiding him now towards his car and I swear, he's too heavy for me. He is so drunk and also his friends after taking endless shots.

He tumbles, which makes him even harder to guide. He's losing himself also. But how will he drive if he's this drunk?

I tossed him in the passenger's seat and is still thinking what to do when I saw Taehyung walking on the street. And he's drunk?!

Sh*t! What is he doing here? And he is tipsy!

I just realized that he is approaching me and I was frozen for seconds. That moment I realized that he is already in front of me. Before I could go away, he had embraced me.

A tight, warm and cozy hug. Suddenly, I felt comfortable. But still, I have to keep distance from him.

I turned away from his embrace, "Taehyung! What the hell do you think youre doing?!" I shouted at him.

"I will stop this, just don't avoid me jennie," he said desperately.

"Taehyung, you know I can't." My voice cracked. I'm about to cry.

"BUT WHY?!" Taehyung said as if he did not understand, "I didn't get mad at you when I knew it was your father who sabotaged us! So why are you avoiding me?"

I gathered all of the strength left in me and shouted back, "Because I'm feeling guilty! Even if you are not angry, I know that there's a part on you that blames me."

"No! I never blamed you! Please Jennie, I love you..." He said and then held my shoulders. I am shocked that he said that straight to me, and I am also confused.

"No Taehyung wake up! You're suffering because of me! I-I'm the reason why your father died..." Even if I know that it was my father, I'm still blaming myself. My father wants for me to have a perfect life even if my mother wasn't around. So he did everything. Even if it destroyed other families.

"I suffered more when you avoided me," He said, coming closer to me. There's just an inch distance on our faces when he stopped, and said, "I love you, and no one can stop me."

He kissed me. A few seconds ago I just realized that I was already responding to his kisses. My eyes were still closed when he stopped and kept a distance from me. He looked at me straight in the eye.

"Get inside the car, I'll drive it," he said as if nothing happened, gets the key of Kai's car and drove it.



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