Chapter 26: He Knows

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Finally, it's Friday

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Finally, it's Friday. I'm already done passing my projects and next week is our graduation.

I did my morning routine and dressed up and when I was about to go my phone ringed. And it was... Kai?

Kim Jong-In: Let's date later. I'm actually serious when I said that I'll date you every day.

What?! I don't want to... but I have to because of President Bae. Ugh!

Me: Okay. But where?

Kai: Let's make it different. Maybe on a famous bar? I know plenty.

Oh shoot. I've been into some bars but it's because of some parties and not because of a date. And seriously, we'll date in a bar?

And again, I can't disagree because I need to obey President Bae.

Me: Oh that's good. What time is it?

Kai: Maybe around 7pm? But I'm so sorry I can't fetch you 'coz I have a meeting to attend on.

Kai is really popular so a lot of companies gave him offers even if he's just graduating. Maybe he will stay here in Korea after graduating not like us that will probably take a tour in some countries. And my dad's company is all over the world so since I will manage it, I have to take some tours in order to supervise them.

Me: Oh, it's okay! I'll just call my driver.

Kai: Again, I'm sorry. I love you.

Oh SH— should I reply "I love you too"? But I can't! Whatever, I'll just pretend I didn't see it.

"Oh my gosh! Jennie!" Nayeon approached me when I got on the school's gate. She looks so happy, but why?

"What is it?" I look interested in front of her that made her more excited. "Look at this, OMG!"

Miss Kim Jennie and Mister Kim Jong-In, students of Parvenu University spotted on a cafe. Are they dating?

Comments: (800k)

@Seoyeon: OMG!? Is this true? Someone answer me right now!
@DOKyungsoo: What the hell is this?
@ChoiYena: They are official? Kim Jennie is our school's queen and Kai is our king but I didn't know they were dating.

OMGs filled the comment section. They know that Kai won the game on Romantic a Hearts Festival in which I walked out but they didn't know that were official right now.

Seeing the post, I was not that surprised because I know this is exactly what President Bae wants to happen. To make me mad and irritated, and what's worse is that I can't do anything about it!

"It this true Jennie-yah? Well I know this is common sense but, is this really true? You and Kai are official?" She asked, her eyes and mouth are widened.

"Y-yes, actually—"

"OH MY GOOOSH!" She screamed and jump a thousand times. I didn't know she was actually shipping me on Kai...

Because of what she did, she took the attention of almost every students and she clarified them that we are official! Yells and screams filled the school.

Argh! Another headache because of Nayeon. I looked around and I accidentally caught Jin smirking at me and disappointed. I know he's really angry knowing that Taehyung likes me. And he thinks that I sacrificed Taehyung just to be the school's queen. But he assumed a lot.

It's already 6:30 in the afternoon and I will now go to the so-called bar. I'm a party-girl so I know I can make myself a little bit comfortable with Kai today. I texted him.

Me: I'm on the way now. Where r u?

When I arrived at the bar, I checked my phone but he still didn't reply. He's not always late in times like this. I am checking you watch over and over that made me more bored. Im feeling uncomfortable again.

After a lot of minutes, suddenly and finally, my phone rang.

Kai: Oh I'm so sorry Jennie... My friends invited me for a night-out and I should go there. Are you there already? I'll text my driver to pick you up. Again, I'm so sorry. I love you.

What the hell?! Is he serious? I was uncomfortably sitting here like an idiot for a lot of minutes and he'll say that he can't go? And it's just a night-out, so he is prioritizing his friends instead of me?

Now I'm really pissed. I harshly get my bag and stood up in the chair.

"What are you doing here?" Someone held my arm. I turned around and I was really surprised because it is... it is Taehyung.

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked him back. "I was asking you the same question, Jennie," he said. He looks kinda different.

"By the way, I saw that you and Kai are already official. Is this supposed to be your date? Where is he then?" He asked continuously.

"Uhm... no it's not our date," I lied. "I have to go." I turned around and he held my arms again to stop me.

"Why are you avoiding me these days?" I was shocked by his question but I didn't answer him and remained backwards on him.

"Oh, why am I asking you if I already know the answer?" He said, answering his own question. I faced him this time.

"I already know that your father was the one who sabotaged our company," he said that made me flinch a little bit.

"W-what?" But how? I can't express how shocked I am right now.

"So please, don't avoid me just because of that," he said before I walked away on him.



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