Chapter 24: Interview

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"Better?" Nayeon asked me when she gave me an iced bottle

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"Better?" Nayeon asked me when she gave me an iced bottle. Since I have been crying too much lately, I had some migraines. It's still schooldays so we're here at the cafeteria, lunch time.

"Never better," I answered, holding to iced bottle on my forehead. You know the feeling that so much problems have encountered you at the same time and then you didn't know what to solve first and how to solve it? I was once a brat that doesn't deal with so much pain and problems, but now I'm dealing with so much pain that I even forgot how to cry.

They say crying is a sign of strength, but for me? Not really. It's okay to cry once but crying a million times is not. We should always teach ourselves to make a move, not just cry in the corner as always.

I really thought President Bae is a living angel since he accepts scholars in his own famous school of elites. But it's clearly the opposite, he is just pretending to be nice when he is there doing some illegal things and killing innocent people. No wonder Irene is such a b*tch or whatsoever. And dad said Joo-Hyung has some accomplice, but how will I know who it is? I can't call the police because I know they won't believe a college girl. But now that I already inherit our company, I think I can investigate easily on my own.

I promised dad that I will bring justice to his name, so I will do it no matter what happens.

"Hey Jennie! I'm still here," Nayeon is waving her hand in front of me. I'm definitely back into trance. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"I think you don't want to eat in here, do you want to eat in the nearby mall? It just opened." She's trying to make me feel happy. I just nod since I've really missed some cinnamon rolls. Ugh! Taehyung, I remembered him again.

We immediately went on the mall and ate lunch. When we are going back to the school, I noticed a bunch of media's trying to approach me. They are shouting endless questions.

"Miss Jennie Kim, how are you doing after your father's death?"

"Do you think it is really a suicide or murder?"

"What do you think about President Bae Joo-Hyung, the President of your school? We heard that he is a close friend of your father."

"Will you please STOP?! My friend is experiencing some trauma!" Nayeon yelled at the reporters.

"Just answer our questions please, we need it on our articles."

"Miss Jennie!"

"Ughhhhh I hate these." Nayeon held my arm rushing to the gate of our school. It's not my first time encountering some reporters since I'm from a well-known family but they are really annoying.

"Miss Jennie! Please answer just one of our questions!"

"Miss Jennie Kim!"

"Miss Jennie—"

"WHAT IS HAPPENING?" Everyone got so quiet with President Bae's voice. We stopped from rushing through the gate. He seemed so stressed today and I haven't saw him these days.

"We are just trying to interview Miss Jennie Kim, the daughter of the businessman who died days ago." Suddenly the President got so interested on the topic. What the hell is wrong with him?!

"Why don't you ask me instead?" He said and a little smirk formed on his face. The reporters were glad because of what he said. Finally, they will get some answers to their questions. But somehow like, false statements?

"We heard that you and Kim Hang-Joon were close friends, is that true?"

"Yes, we are."

"Do you think it really was suicide?"

"Not really. It's not like Hang-Joon would kill himself," he said and smirked at me. He is such a living hell! I'm getting pissed already.

"But who do you think is the one who killed Mr. Kim Hang-Joon?"

"His daughter," he said while pointing at me! He's really blaming me for what he did! The reporters were really shocked and started taking endless picture on Joo-Hyung pointing at me.

"I've heard that they were having some arguments lately, so that made Miss Jennie suspicious," he smirked. My fists are clenching so hard that my nails are going to rip my handbag. "She badly wants her father's money, so why would she not kill him?"

I was so mad that I dropped my handbag at the floor. "Jennie... Just don't mind them—"

"No Nayeon! They should stop accusing me for what they did!" I said in front of her and I faced Joo-Hyung. "So why would you think a that I will kill my own father huh?"

"Because you badly want his money," I smirked on what he said.

"Really? But you might be the one who BADLY wants his money. OUR money perhaps," I stepped forward and smirked at him while his smile was disappearing, "Did you already forget that our company is more famous that yours, so stop acting like an innocent sh*t when you really aren't."

Everyone, especially Nayeon was shocked on what I said. I don't really know how I said that, I just got really mad.

"S-see? She's such a brat. No wonder why she killed her own father." He said but I can sense that he is also shocked about what I said earlier.

"I said I didn't kill him!"

"Jennie, stop! Let's just go inside!" Nayeon and I rushed inside of the school. I'm really pissed. But I'm Jennie Kim, and he can't fool me anymore.

"Hey Jennie! Dad wants you in his office, NOW." Irene said. We just had an argument in front of the media earlier, and now he wants me on his office? But whatever, I'll just go.

I went on his office, poker faced. "What do you want?" I asked him.

He turned his swivel chair towards me, "Do you know that all of the people will believe if I said that you killed your father... Right? I'm a powerful man and I can send you to jail in just one snap."

So now he's insulting me. He's really messing up with me.

"If you don't want me to mess with you, I will just give you a simple dare. Accept Kai's offer to be his girlfriend. Now."

My eyes widened on what he said.


A/N: So I decided to have 2 updates this week, Chapter 23 and 24. So here you go!


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