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Her mother's absences had become more frequent which meant that Kevin had full reign of not so pleasant things he did to her. She felt cold and hungry and sick. And it wasn't the perpetual feeling of nausea she felt in her mother's house. It was that combined with a sore throat and head that felt like it had been used by Thor to play football.

Emma had been roused from a nightmare by a servant who told her that her presence was required in her mother's bedroom. She knew it was Kevin's birthday as well. She knew what her mother would make her do. So she fought as hard as she could. Bit the servant when he grabbed her hands and legs.

And still, nothing happened.

"Come out, come out wherever you are..."

A chill went down her spine as she tried to control her laboured breath. She squeezed her eyes shut when his feet came near the bed, preparing to fight tooth and nail. She was too tired. Too sick to go through with the demands today.

Emma needed a break.

So she screamed bloody murder when Kevin pulled her out by her leg and kicked and punched whatever she could. She would deal with the wrath of her mother later.

What was she going to do? Kill her?

Emma was ready.

She had been since the first time her mother lent her to her lovers and friends.

"You're just making me harder--" he stopped abruptly as she got a good punch in his chest before he roughly threw her on the bed. "Now, now. Let's not have a bitch fit, Lynn."

Her throat screamed in protest from all the screaming she was doing. But that was nothing new. Kevin had managed to fuck that aspect of her as well. She could only speak without feeling pain if she whispered or spoke in a low voice.

"What is going on?" Gabriella Canalis walked out of her dressing room, a chilling look on her face as she regarded the situation in front of her.

Kevin smirked down at Emma before turning his face towards Gabriella.

"She won't--"

"I'm not not putting it in my mouth. It's disgusting." Emma cut him off, her statement hoarse.

"And who told you to?" Gabriella asked calmly. Kevin quickly scrambled off Emma, adjusting his towel. "I asked you to come here because we have a meeting with your father's family."

Emma sat up quickly, ignoring the harsh spell that made her sway to the side.

"My father--"

"Go get ready. You have five minutes, Emmalynn."

Emma flew down the stairs, feeling a new kind of energy in her veins that had disappeared long ago. She had never known who her father was. Up until the age of ten, she thought it had been her mother's then lover.

And how wrong she had been.

Today might turn out to be the best birthday she'd had since she was six years old. Her mother had come home drunk and baked her a cake. And sung happy birthday to her.

But now she was going to meet her father. He'll hopefully be nicer than her mother and maybe they'll get a cake with coconut flakes and frosting and then--

"Are you ready?" Emma jumped at the sound of her mother's voice before opening the door stepping out.

For the first time in years, she felt like smiling. She wore her cream jumper and blue cut-off jeans. She had never really been outside of her mother's house much so she didn't own a coat. That was fine by her, though. The car was heated and she imagined the place they were going to will definitely have heating as well.

By the time she sat in the back with her mother, her face hurt from the cold and head felt like it was going to explode. The weather was too cold.

Her mother took out her laptop and started working, leaving Emma to her own thoughts. Emma didn't really like fiction because she always got jealous of the characters' life but from what she'd read, fathers were supposed to be loving and protective.

Would her father protect her?

She could only hope as they got out of the car an hour later in front of a tall, glass building with a C-III emblem.

What did that mean?

She didn't have time to muse before her mother was briskly walking towards the building, leaving her with no choice but to follow. The security guard immediately ushered them in the larger than life lobby before they were being taken towards two, mahogany double doors.

Why was everything so large?

A man outside gave them a thorough pat down before they were allowed inside the room. Emma had to resist the urge to punch him in the mouth when he touched between her breasts but the expression on his face was nothing but professional.

And she didn't want to disappoint her father.

Except, the man they met inside the room did not look like he could be Emma's father. His features, although handsome to the point of sin, were a complete contrast from hers and he looked young to be a father.

Perhaps in his thirties.

But her mother preferred young lovers. So why was it such a shock that the man standing in front of her looked nothing like what she'd envisioned?

Probably because your idea of a father is the woodcutter from Hansel and Gretel...

She blushed at her childish thoughts before cursing herself. No father wanted an immature daughter.

"Sit down." The stranger finally said after a moment of staring at Emma. His commanding tone made Emma want to sit down right where she was standing but when her mother started walking towards the sofas in the middle, she followed timidly and sat down.

Didn't he want to hug her like she did?

"I am Noah Crawford III. Step-son of Dominic Crawford III. He is...busy so he sent me in his place."

Her mother rolled her eyes and Emma felt her heart sink.

Didn't he want to see his daughter?

"He hasn't changed much," Gabriella spoke arrogantly, making Noah's eyes narrow as Emma looked down.

This was not going like the reunion Hansel and Gretel had with their family.

"He had nothing to change, Ms Canalis." Noah raised a brow, daring the woman to defy.

Surprisingly, Gabriella didn't retort but her posture became stiff. Emma knew that was not good. But what could she do?

I have a step-brother...

An unconscious smile pulled across her lips. Like Hansel and Gretel...

"What grade are you in, Emmalynn?" Her head snapped up at the question her step-brother asked. "We found everything but there was no record of schooling."

This time he looked at Gabriella like he could see inside her soul, making her stiffen even more.

"Why don't you leave us be and I'll drop her off when we've spoken?"

Before Gabriella could reply, a tall man was already standing behind her. Emma saw her mother get up without sparing her a glance and leave. Was it her or were her footsteps quicker somehow?

"Leave us," Emma's step-brother commanded the man and woman standing on his right before looking at her with dark eyes.

Emma gulped.


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