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She thought asking her step-brother where they were going was futile so she asked Mathias instead.

"Um, sir?" She stuck her head between the two seats, making the driver stiffen so she leaned more towards Mathias.

Did she smell? But she showered. Twice. Was it her face? She swore the swelling had gone down...

"Yes, miss?" Mathias turned towards her.

Why did it look like he was about to laugh?

"Where are we going?" She whispered. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me, sir." She added hastily but he shook his head.

He looked behind her for a second before answering her.

"Well, someone found out that you like Hansel and Gretel. So we're just going to a place that...actually I cannot say, miss. I rather you be surprised." His playful tone did not match his domineering aura.

But it calmed her down a bit. That meant Noah was not mad.

Too bad she couldn't enjoy herself like she did last time. A perpetual feeling of dread, guilt and shame gnawed at her heart.

If he knew what she'd done with Kevin, he would never take her anywhere. Emma vowed that her step-brother would never know. She'd take the secret with her to grave. It was only their second meeting but Emma already adored the man.

Even if he didn't talk much to her.

"Warum hat sie mich nicht gefragt?" Noah grumbled as she leaned back, making her scoot away to the other side.

[Translation: Why didn't she ask me?]

She didn't mean to be so near him. Emma whispered an apology but he ignored her.

"Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen warum. Es ist nicht so, als hättest du sie oder so etwas ignoriert." Mathias replied coolly before turning his attention to his phone.

[Translation: I can't imagine why. It's not like you've been ignoring her or something.]

Emma huddled next to the door, turning her attention towards the blur of tress on either side of the road. She'd only been out of the house a few times in her life so this was very new to her. Too bad the pain in her body was keeping her from enjoying anything. She couldn't believe she was saying this but she just wanted to lay on her side and close her eyes.

She didn't want to go anywhere.

It was too early. She couldn't forget what happened in that room...

"We're here, miss."

At first, there were trees. Lots and lots of trees. Emma looked around curiously before getting out of the car.

Where were they?

Thankfully, there was a stone pathway that led to somewhere. Except, there were too many trees for her to know so with a nod from Mathias, she started to make her way forward.

Only to come to a halt.

In front of her stood the cottage from Hansel and Gretel. Emma stood there for a while, clenching her fists to her chest so tightly that the skin broke. She couldn't cry.

She won't.

He already thinks you're stupid. Do no give him more reason to cut you out of his life.

"Would you like to go inside, miss?" Mathias asked from beside her.

Emma nodded fervently, making her plait swish.

"This is all we could do in a short amount of time..." a voice spoke from behind her, making her whirl around to see that her brother had come as well.

That made her want to smile but she was afraid he'd get angry or something.

"This is great, sir! This is so--" She pressed her palm to her mouth to suppress her happiness. She didn't want him to think that he'd made a mistake. "I promise I won't even touch the candy if you do not wish for me to, sir. I don't really get hyper. Don't worry."

Noah started to nod before he shook his head.

"You can eat as much as you want. careful so you don't get sick." His voice was strained but of course, Emma did not comment. He would just go back to being silent.

She turned around and started making her way around the cottage, unable to stop smiling. But that was okay.

Noah couldn't see it.

"If you want, we can pack them for later as well."

Emma flinched, she had been too busy stuffing her face that she didn't even realise Mathias was standing beside her. However, after processing what he had said, she couldn't help but beam.

"Thank you, sir. I really like Bubbly Bears! Actually, all these candies are great." Emma gushed, clasping her hands together.

Mathias gave her a smile before he nodded at another man who stood to a side.

"Would you like a picture?" He held up a black polaroid camera in his hand, making Emma beam with a nod.

Thankfully, the candy wall was right behind her so she didn't have to move too much and the smile remained on her lips.

After taking a picture, Mathias put it on the table to develop before pointing at his boss who sat on a chair with his laptop in front of him. "Do you want a picture with him?"

Emma bit her lip. She really did but he wouldn't want to.

"I'll just go stand next to him and you can take one, sir. He probably wouldn't want to be disturbed."

Mathias looked like he didn't agree but nodded nonetheless.

This time, despite the pain of moving, Emma grinned at the camera. Mathias took two pictures, leaving them on the table as well. He assured Emma she'll get them when they leave.


Emma wanted to stay here forever.

Let me just make the most of it, she thought with a determined look. She didn't think she'd ever have this much fun again.

Except when she turned to go towards the chocolate fountain, a sharp pain in her side made her stumble and then she was falling. She closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable. never came. A hand grasped her waist, making her reopen her eyes in shock.

Her brother gripped her bruised waist, making her wince and squirm out of his hold.

"Sorry," she rushed breathlessly, "sorry, sir. I didn't look."

Noah looked at her with an emotionless expression before it morphed into concern. Her skin had started to look pale and clammy and she was looked like she was having trouble breathing.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Emma started to nod before black dots appeared in front of her eyes and she stumbled again.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, closing her eyes and going limp.


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