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N O A H C.


Noah had never been skeptical about meeting her after so many years – afraid, yes. But never skeptical. Instead, he was terrified. If she was marred with bruises when he saw her as a toddler, how would she be after more than ten years?

And when he first saw her – that moment would forever be etched into his memory like a bad dream.

Emma had no life in her eyes. Her lips had been cracked and despite her height, she was all but curled into herself. A foil of her mother. He had two options then – scream at Gabriella Canalis until his throat was raw before ripping her apart limb by limb or act nonchalant.

To this day, he regret choosing the latter.

Emma was extraordinary.

Meeting her had taken a year worth of complex planning. Just like Gabriella had managed to threaten his father, he needed to find something of equal footing to trap her into giving him Emma.He couldn't sleep at night knowing that all the luxuries he had were deserving of someone else.

Noah fell in love when he'd first taken her to dinner, after making her suffer through hours of exams. He'd already known how smart she was – he didn't even need to take the extreme measures that he did that day.

Alas, it was either that or he would have scared the poor girl to death by hugging her to... well, death.

And then he lost her again.

Something he'd never forgive himself for.

There was no redemption for him there.

But he was slowly starting to make things slightly better now.

"We found him hiding in one of Appleton estates," Xavier said in a gruff tone as he led Noah outside. "Lydia thinks it's an office," he snorted, looking sideways, "so don't go telling the girl who thinks I'm a cannibal anything else. Now that she's more comfortable here, she actually gets upset when I act like an asshole. Who would've thought, huh? Anyway, it makes me upset in turn. So don't."

Despite the anger coursing through his veins at the thought of meeting the person who aided Hawthorne in keeping Emma, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Scared of a girl who's half your size, Xavier?"

The man didn't miss a second replying, "Losing million dollar corporate deals to stay at home for your sister, Noah?"

"Step-sister," Noah spat harshly, making Xavier snort in amusement.

He shook his head. "And here we all thought you'd marry your work."

Before he could reply, they were already at the door. Noah turned back to look at Matthias.

"Are you sure the perimeter is secure?" He asked for the millionth time. "I'm going to kill before asking questions if anything happens, Matthias."

His bodyguard gave him a nod. "I have a visual on where she is at all times, sir. We're okay."

Noah tilted his head to the side, letting a slow smile come across his face. "All you need to do now is stop me from getting blood on my shirt. I would hate to explain to Emma the actual reason why we're here."

"Yes, sir."


Husband of Isla Winters.

A chill went down his spine as Xavier played a clip of what the man had done to his wife. Her face was unrecognizable in the casket.

How could anyone do that?

A laugh came from where his battered body lay on the floor, blood spilling from his lips.

"She reminded me of Rose – your girl..."

Xavier paused for a moment, a dark look coming across his face. He'd been impassive throughout the whole ordeal, so Noah knew Isaac had struck a nerve with what he'd said.

"After he murdered his wife," Xavier began once he had regained control of his emotions, letting a cold smile come across his lips, "the cunt waited a few years before he took her little sister to torment. She was a minor. He was working for your father at the time I rescued the girl from him so I couldn't kill him."

Noah's eyes widened a fraction, a gust of breath escaping his lips.

His father was not a good man. He knew that. He'd been told by many... but to cover for a rapist and a murderer?

Noah didn't even have the capacity to acknowledge that.

He'd heard about it. It was hard not to when you were still linked with the underworld. He just didn't believe it to be true – even if he did, it was better to be ignorant than be pulled into the mess that his father had been in for years.

Money meant nothing when it stole the sleep from your eyes.

"...but Isla was still a better fuck."

Noah held himself back from lashing out. The man lying on the floor was a psychopath. After all, Isaac worked for his father. And no man working for his father had been sane.

He was still realising that. No matter how much he wanted to have good memories of his father and him, the truth was too big to ignore – too close to his heart to ignore.

"Is that why you killed her?" Noah chose to torment him with words now.

Physical torture only made the psychopath laugh.

"Fuck you," Noah smiled at the reaction, going to stand in front of Isaac. "I helped her. I told her you'd save her soon," he laughed then, "of course, I did that after I fucked the hell out of her–"

This time Noah couldn't help himself.

Isaac's tongue was laying five meter away from him by the time Noah was done.

"I'm not going to kill you today," Noah told him as he stood up. Unfortunately, some blood had gotten on his shirt sleeve. But he'd come prepared. He always was. The things he was taught by his father would always be etched into his brain. "I'm going to prolong your death as much as possible."

Xavier spoke from his position after telling his man to play another clip.

"You might want to look at the screen, Isaac." His tone was laced with faux sincerity. "You wanted a son, right? You wanted a son from Isla and Rose." He laughed when Isaac's eyes narrowed.

Blood spilled from his mouth like a fountain. And yet, Noah was still not satisfied.

"Rose had a son a week ago."


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