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Trigger warning. Please read with caution.



Emma took a deep breath. Passing out because she was holding her breath never did her any good. She just woke up to find bruises and hand prints that won't go away for weeks marring her entire body. Living with a physical evidence of her humiliation was far worse than having to constantly fight and beg him to stop.

"I missed you, Lynn." He came up behind her, wrapping his arm around her neck. His cold breath assaulted her ear as he leaned down to kiss her jaw before moving to her neck.

"Stop," Emma sighed, finally struggling to get out of his arms.

She was so tired. And sad. She couldn't believe she had just lost a huge opportunity to meet her father. Noah would probably go home and tell the other side of her family how dumb she was and they'd never want to see her again.

"Stop it!" She suddenly shouted as Kevin's hand went below her stomach, making her feel sick again.

The soup had helped but now it felt like she was going to be sick again. And that never went well. Kevin took her being weak as a sign to do whatever he could because she was unable to fight back.

"What about my birthday present?" He growled, yanking her by the hair as she tried to escape his clutches. "You have been gone all fucking day and now you're going to pull this shit? Fuck no."

Kevin dragged her upstairs and she finally realised he was not going to let her go until he got what he had wanted this morning. So she screamed as loud as she possibly could, unbothered about the fact that it was ruining her already ruined throat.

Emma rather never be able to speak again than let Kevin have his way with her.

Why couldn't he be more like Noah? Why couldn't he just ignore her and not touch her?

Instead of stopping in front of her mother's bedroom, Kevin walked further down the hall. Her heart stopped.

Not that room.

"Kevin, no--please--"

All screams at the tip of her tongue died down as terror finally settled in. She'd been in this room once in her life and had vowed to never come here again.

"Do it in Mamma's room -- Kevin -- please, I'm begging you. Do whatever you want in Mamma's room--"

He chuckled, pressing her front against the dreaded door. She could feel his hardness against her lower back, making her wince as tears streamed down her face.

"Now," he whispered, biting the shell of her ear harshly, "you'll have to be a good little slut, Lynn. Or I'd let those tarantulas out. There are one hundred and thirteen in the room. Imagine them all over you. All because you didn't obey." He tsked, pulling away slightly. "Are you going to be my obedient little slut?"

Instead of answering, Emma regurgitated. Her entire body trembled as she heaved, making Kevin curse before he opened the door and threw her inside. Her mouth opened in a silent scream but she couldn't get anything out. She couldn't even breathe.

Something landed in front of her abruptly, making her flinch violently. Kevin laughed.

"Don't worry. All the tarantulas are in their cages. Well...most are. Now drink this." He commanded coldly, shoving the bottle of mouthwash in her hands. "You don't want me to be impatient, Lynn--"

Before he even finished saying her name, she opened the bottle and chugged its contents down. She couldn't taste anything but from the way her stomach lurched and throat burned, he might as well had given her acid. All her attention was on trying to not look in the cages and keeping an eye out for something crawling her way.

Emma was so petrified that she didn't really care what Kevin did. No. She just wanted to get out of this room. She would do anything. She would become anything for him if only she could get out of this room.

"Now..." he circled around her body, petting her hair, "get undressed."

She hesitated. Clothes were her protection if something crawled on top of her. She shuddered and looked up at him with pleading eyes.

"I'll let you do whatever you want. I'll do everything. Please just let me get out--"

"You have three seconds before I open a cage. They love to bite, you know?"

Her clothes came off and she shivered, focusing on the marble.

I am going to die.

The realisation didn't bother her as much surprisingly. Or the fact that a monster was climbing on top of her trembling body, marking her in a way that was humiliating.

There was always a smidgen of hope inside her that her father would take her away one day and she'd leave the hell she called home. But that chance had been lost. Perhaps she was too clingy. Or maybe too stupid to be in the house with her father.

Something died in her as a finger entered her body. She couldn't cry anymore. So she just laid there, hyperaware of her surroundings and ignored the excruciating pain in her lower half.

Maybe he'd finally kill her.

To get her mind off where she was and what Kevin was doing, she started to think about her day. It hadn't been all bad. She loved it actually. Up until the car ride back home, she was having the most fun she'd had in her entire life.

Her father's place was so beautiful and shiny. Emma wondered what type of cleaning products they used to get the floors so clean that she could see her reflection in them. Her room was tidy but it didn't match the rest of the house.

Maybe if she could--

"You're not being responsive, slut. I'm opening a cage."

Her whole body jerked as he ripped his fingers out of her and wiped the blood on her discarded jumper.

"No--no, please--"

Emma grasped his wrist, pulling him back.

"I'll do whatever you want. Please -- I--"

Kevin sighed exasperatedly.

"Then don't be fucking stiff as a board!" He shouted in her face, making her flinch. But she nodded fervently.

"Okay -- okay. Um, I don't know -- I don't understand what you want me to do -- I'm really dumb. Stupid. Please. Anything. I'll do anything." She kept nodding.

"Anything?" He asked with a grin.

She nodded again.

"You're a fucking bore when you don't fight tooth and nail, Lynn. I had all this planned and you just had to ruin it didn't you? I want to hear those beautiful screams."

She looked up from her hunched position, eyes widening at the large tarantula he held in his palm.

Finally a scream erupted from her throat as she scooted backwards. Pressing her palms to her eyes, she sobbed.

Emma didn't understand. She did everything he told her to.

"Oh, please. Oh, please. I don't understand--"

Kevin threw the tarantula at her, smiling when he heard the loudest, most chilling scream he had ever heard in his life.

That's what he was talking about.

He tilted his head, grinning before going to open the other cages.

Would she scream more?

He couldn't wait to find out.


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