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Alexander was the youngest friend Noah's father had. And yet, they were extremely close. Most of their businesses were merged. Alexander came from centuries of old money and seldom worked while his father couldn't go a day without working.

The two made an odd pair.

An odd, terrifying pair.

Noah accompanied his father to the Ricci estate many times. It was there when he first met Matthias. He'd been ten at the time while Noah was just celebrating his twelfth birthday.

"I'm betrothed to Sir Alexander." Was what he'd said when Noah had pointed out that girls wanted to dance with him.

He'd been too shocked to say anything at the time. Not that he could because Alexander had come and picked up Matthias.

"It's bed time, piccolo."

He'd been tiny for his age and Alexander had given him to a woman standing beside him.

"Sweet dreams," he'd smiled at the boy.

"Bye-bye, Sir Alexander." When Matthias had smiled, Noah frowned.

It was not right. He wasn't old enough to know the full details of why it wasn't right but... it just wasn't.

"You can't marry him–" Noah had blurted out before he could stop himself.

Alexander only smiled, turning around to give his full attention towards Noah.

"And why not?"

"H-he's too small–"

"He won't be when he's eighteen, Noah."

Surprisingly, after that Alexander had not banned Noah from seeing Matthias. In fact, he'd given Matthias' mother so she would work at the Canalis household and take care of Emma.

Alexander had even offered to intervene. While Gabriella Canalis had dirt on Crawford, Alexander was untouchable. But Alexander's methods were always unorthodox – even when he did have the chance to not wipe out families – generations – he did it just for fun.

Matthias knew all about Emma. Whenever Noah visited his sister, he wouldn't shut up about it for weeks. Together, they played and made elaborate plans of rescuing Emma.

It was after his eighteenth birthday that Matthias became quiet, withdrawn and angry. A complete opposite of the person who used to laugh even when things were not funny.

"Is it because you're getting married?" Noah asked when they had gone out for his birthday lunch the next day.

He'd laughed, no humor in his tone. "I got married last night."

"What?" He could still remember the haunted look on his best friend's face.

"It's just a contract, right?" He'd shrugged even as his eyes had filled with tears.

And that had been the last time he'd seen his best friend cry.

Noah never asked what happened as they'd packed his bag a year later, few days after his nineteenth birthday, and left the Ricci estate.

And knowing how cruel Alexander Ricci was, Noah wasn't sure he wanted to.


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Brandon's hand grazed her waist before he moved back inside the penthouse elevator that would take him to the underground parking lot where the others were waiting.

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