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And that was saying something since Emma was convinced she'll never see a woman more beautiful than her brother's girlfriend.

Valeria Solomon.

Currently leading over fifty businesses.


The knock on her door startled her and she barely managed to stay on her chair. Letting out a soft sigh at her clumsiness, Emma hurried to the door so her brother won't have to wait.

Noah blinked when his gaze fell on her.

"What...are you wearing?"

Emma looked down at her outfit and couldn't resist beaming. There really couldn't be a more perfect outfit for a Christmas party than a light up jumper.

"It lights up!" She pressed the little fluffy button on the side of her jumper, causing her jumper to start glowing in a soft white light.

Words got stuck in Noah's throat as he looked at Emma. She looked if she'd disappear from his view any second now.

How could anyone hurt her?

He shook his head to get rid of those thoughts before he got a headache. His mom would probably hire someone to kill him for bailing on her. And make it look like an accident.

There was a reason Crawford II married her.

"You can't wear this," his tone was gruff as he pushed her gently to the side and entered her room.

Everything was so felt like no one even lived here. Her room smelled like apples. Noah entered her now full closet and started looking around for something she could wear.

It was all thanks to his mother who had sent someone to buy Emma clothes. Clearly, judging from the light up jumper, that person and his mother didn't have the same fashion sense.

He wasn't even sure his mother knew anything other than beige, black grey or white.

But now he had this dilemma to focus on.

Her mother may call it a Christmas party but it was anything but. If people thought he was stoic, wait until they meet his mother. Last time he'd seen the woman joke was when he was in the hospital. And that was a few years ago. Give or take.

He didn't really know how his mother would react to seeing Emma. She met her when Emma was a toddler...and now–

"Is this outfit not appropriate, sir?" A hushed whisper made him turn around to see his sister standing by the shoe rack. Her eyes were glassy, bottom lip slightly jutting out. She looked like a child who'd been caught stealing cookies.

Fucking adorable.

"I'm just looking You need to wear–" he cleared his throat, motioning towards her outfit, "–shoes with that."

Her expression slowly changed and in no time she was smiling – grinning, in fact.

"Oh–kay! There are so many options!" Emma practically squealed, looking around her in amazement.


"I can't decide–"

"These would do." Noah handed her the first white pair of pumps he saw and ushered her out of the closet. "Now hurry up. We'll be late."

"Yes, sir!"


Valeria Solomon's Christmas party had the most beautiful people...and yet all Noah could focus on was his sister, beaming by his side as she ooh-d and aah-d at the lights in the expansive foyer.

"So pretty," she whispered to Mathias as if it was a crime to speak loud.

Perhaps it had been where she came from.

Her jumper was already receiving some looks but one look back from either Noah or Mathias had them looking the other way.

If anyone dared to make his Emma cry, there'd be a murder.

A beautiful tall woman, almost as tall as him, approached them before they could move forward.

Valeria Soloman.

Emma moved back to allow Noah greet his mother. She stopped letting it bother her much that people didn't like her – that all they did was make fun of her or use her for their fun. However, for some reason she wanted Valeria Solomon to treat her like Noah treated her.

She didn't want to be made fun of.

Valeria nudged her son gently out of the way and moved to stand in front of Emma.

"Hello, Emma." The pleasant look on her face morphed into the most breathtaking smile Emma had ever seen.

Arms wrapped around her before Emma could realise she was being hugged.


Emma didn't know when someone had hugged her last. And so gently at that.

"Ich wünschte, er wäre hier, um dich zu sehen." Valeria whispered, a sad smile on her face as she moved back.

[Translation: I wish he was here to see you.]

Emma was so overwhelmed by the positive reaction towards her that all she could do was to press the fluffy button on the side of her jumper to light it up.

If Noah wasn't so busy trying to stifle a smile, he would probably be concerned about the unhealthy shade of red Emma's cheeks were.

"We'll talk more once I greet everyone," Valeria gave Emma a small smile before making her way to other guests.

"Oh, and Emma?"

Emma squeaked.

"You look beautiful, darling. Albeit, I'll dress you next time."

She turned away before Emma could reply.

"She's so, so pretty and nice," Emma whispered when Valeria was well away.

"What – do you like her more than me?" Noah hissed.

And for the first time, Emma didn't hear him, too busy looking at Valeria Solomon. Noah felt like he wanted to rip something apart. It was not a good feeling. He didn't like it that Emma liked someone more than she liked him.

It was not fair.

"Let's go–" Noah grabbed Emma's wrist, pulling her up the stairs. He ignored the guard who gave him a nod.

Even Mathias knew to stay back.

"Is this your room, sir?" Emma looked around massive bedroom they'd entered in awe before she was turned around.

Noah cupped her face and planted his lips against hers.


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