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She opened her eyes slowly, heart thundering inside her chest before she realised she was safe. It was strange how only his fragrance could make her forget everything – make her forget there ever was a bad time in her life. She let a slow smile spread across her lips before sitting up.

Noah was already looking at her, eyes unreadable. By now she was used to that look. Once upon a time, it used to scare her. It made her think he was going to send her back... that perhaps, she was too big of a burden.

Now, she was slightly convinced that she may be permanent.

"Are we there?" She didn't know why she whispered.

Noah pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her. "If I didn't know any better, I'd start to think you don't like being with me."

Emma shook her head frantically before he used his free hand to fix her hair, kissing her lightly on the lips. The gesture reminded her of what happened before she went to sleep – why she went to sleep – and a bright red hue coated her cheeks.

She covered her cheeks with her palms as Noah chuckled, kissing her again. "I need to ask you something before we reach, Emma."

He pulled her on his lap, so her back was facing the partition.

"Are you going to embarrass me?" She couldn't help but pout.

Noah's humor was nothing like what she saw in the male TV characters. It was dry. Ergo when she did get when he was joking, it felt like the biggest achievement. Most often though, he joked to make her blush because he liked – more than liked, actually – seeing her all flustered.

"I wouldn't dream of it," he murmured.

The look in his eyes said otherwise. Hence, Emma prepared herself for the worst.

"Before you fell asleep, you said you wanted to return the favor." Noah stated, face devoid of any emotion.

Emma tilted her head to one side, nodding. "Lydia said I can suck you off?"

His cheeks pinkened, making Emma look at Noah with wide eyes. That had never happened before–

"And what does that mean?" He asked, clearing his throat.

She looked at him perplexed. So far, he hadn't said anything embarrassing. At least, she didn't think he did. He was just asking her questions.

Well, questions she didn't know the answer to.

"I – well," she scrunched her nose, "I don't actually know what that means. Xavier's brother's boyfriend is the one who told Lydia who then told me and then I told you–"


"But I'll ask her today!" Emma beamed, putting her fist up so Noah could bump it with his fist as she had seen on the television.

Except, all he did was give her a deadpan look before sighing and leaning his head against the seat.

"Noah?" She touched his chest anxiously. "Is your head hurting again?"

She blinked away the tears that threatened to fall at the pained look on his face. Why were his eyes closed?

"Don't ask Lydia what that phrase means, Emma–" he stopped abruptly, sitting up as he noticed the tears in her eyes. "Hey, what's wrong – Emma, did I do something–"

"Why do you have that look on your face–" she accused tearfully, gripping his suit jacket tightly.

"That's how I look like?" His made his answer seem like a question. "Are you calling me ugly?"

Emma sniffled, shaking her head.

"Does your head hurt again? You promised it doesn't–"

"Emma," Noah interrupted, pulling her to his chest. "Nothing hurts. I promise. I swear. I'll explain it when we get home, okay? It's not what you think it is. C'mere – I apologise. I didn't mean to make your emotional ass cry–"

He grunted for her benefit as she punched him in the shoulder before rubbing it.

"We're here," he pointed outside.

However, before Emma could see what was outside, Matthias was standing outside their car. And well, his body could even block mountains from being seen.

Emma knocked on the window, letting Matthias know she was ready to get out.

"Flying here would have taken us forty minutes, Emma." Noah reminded her as they walked towards the big entrance.

"I'm never getting on your fat airplane again."

Matthias snorted lightly.

"It's a jet. I wish we had time so I could explain to you how offended I am by what you just said."

"We'll have time on the three hour drive back home!" Emma beamed.

Both men grunted.

Unlike Noah's penthouse, Xavier had a house. Without even entering, Emma could see Lydia running downstairs because of the glass walls. She felt a surge of fear. Whilst Emma was tall, Lydia was petite. What if someone broke into the house?

However, upon seeing the heavily armed guards in every corner of the house, Emma felt slightly reassured.

But you had protection as well. Look what happened.

"Emma!" Lydia threw the door open before her mind could venture into the dangerous territory. "Oh Emma I'm so happy!"

Emma smiled as Lydia threw her arms around her, looking back at Noah who was already staring at her.

"Are you going to smother her, sweetheart?" A deep voice asked, making Lydia blush before she moved back and gave a small wave to Noah.

"Emma," Xavier nodded at her with a small smirk. "Still think I'm going to eat you?"

She blushed, looking down at her feet. Apparently he had come to visit her after helping in her rescue and she had said some very questionable things about Xavier's built. Emma had a feeling Xavier would never let her live that down. She didn't mind for most part – it made her forget.

"Don't be mean, sir." Lydia pouted before taking Emma's hand. "Let's go! I baked a cake for you."

Emma smiled happily, unable to stop herself from hugging Lydia once again. The other girl returned the gesture. Emma never really had any friends before Conrad and Anna. And now, while she was still had contact with Anna from time to time, she had no idea where Conrad was. Noah assured her he was doing fine but he hadn't replied to any email she sent him.

It worried her. Had she been cruel? She didn't even want to think about that. Conrad deserved someone better. She didn't want someone as wonderful as Conrad to ever know about her past. Noah was enough.

But now Emma had Lydia. And although it was an unspoken agreement between them to never talk about unhappy stuff, both girls understood each other without even saying anything.

"I've been waiting for you since last week! Christopher and Brandon wanted to see you but don't worry. I told them no so it'll be just us. I've recorded Les Demoiselles de Rochefort for us to watch as well."

Christopher was Xavier's brother and Brandon was his boyfriend. Although Emma was sure they'd be nice, she was still uncomfortable meeting new people.

"Maybe one day I can meet them."

Lydia grinned.

"Until then, we can watch old French movies, wear pearls and have tea."

Emma wholeheartedly agreed.


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