little bone

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Dearest Emma,

Miss me? I apologise for not replying to your emails. Please accept the chocolate hamper. Make sure Noah does not get his hands on them. They're not your favorite but they are his and I want him to suffer greatly when he sees you enjoying them. You've always been a seductive eater.

And before you feel guilty, no, I am not hung up on the breakup.

But you know that now. I like the lips I kiss to be firm. Make sure you let Noah read the previous line.

I do read every single email you send, sweetheart. It's just that my life is not as interesting as yours. What would I say?

However, today I have something important to share. You're wholly allowed to get jealous and throw a tantrum. Maybe give Noah a punch or two – his gigantic ego needs it.

I got the Addams Family Gold Pinball Machine. I know, I know. Reel in the jealousy. It's limited edition so if you want to play, you'll have to come to my house. Can your heart bear that?  I hope so, darling. Can Noah bear that? I hope not, darling.

Albeit, seriously, you should visit me sometimes. Weren't you the one who promised we'd stay friends. Can't you come over here if you can visit that friend of yours who lives three hours away? Yeah. I know about her. What does she have that I don't?! Before you even think that I am jealous, don't bother because I am not.

Visit. Please.

Let me know beforehand so I'm not naked or anything, okay? I love you.




"You're supposed to be doing your homework," a voice came from behind her, making Emma stiffen as she read the email for the tenth time.

Noah sat down on the couch, pulling her back until she was leaning against his legs.

"Every email I've sent – every email – I asked him if he was okay," she murmured, reading the email again.

"He replied. He's okay."

"Well, I don't like this reply, Noah."

"Attitude," he warned.

"If you hurt me, I'll tell Matthias." She scooted forward. "If I sent you an email like this after months, you'd be rushing over to see if I was okay. I'm worried about him."

"And I'm telling you that he's okay." His tone left no room for argument, making her slump. "I spoke with him a few weeks ago–"

"And you didn't bother telling me?" She was standing up now.

Noah's eyes narrowed, stare cold and calculating. "You want me to tell you about the client I provide security for?"

"You know there's more to–"

"Yes," he interrupted this time, a humorless smile pulling across his lips, "I saw."

Emma nodded.

"You can talk to me when you're ready to not shut me down."

The door clicked shut on her way out.


Emma's closet opened with a soft click, making her scowl as she continued to rearrange her clothes. Her heart beat a little faster as she picked up a hanger.

"I'll scream if you touch me," she threatened, sighing but he still pulled her into his lap.

They sat there silently for a while.

"You know I've been sending an email every week. And you also know I'm worried because I care about him as a friend."

"Maybe I was harsh because you'll get to eat those chocolates," he whispered in her ear before biting the shell softly.

"You can't – I can't – Noah, no–" she sighed as he stopped, squirming on his lap before his hand stilled her. "You're still avoiding the topic. I just want to know if he's okay."

He didn't speak for a few minutes, continuing to play with her hair.

"He was hurt when I spoke to him a few weeks ago," Noah was choosing his words carefully, "but I spoke to the man who... hurt him." He sighed, shoulders tense. "He's getting better now. He invited you over, didn't he?"

"Who hurt him–"

"I can't tell you anymore, Emma." He spoke firmly. "That's why I was avoiding the subject. I can only say so much without invading his privacy. You're worried, right? Matthias will take you to his house in a few weeks and you can ask for yourself. Or, better yet, send him another email."

Emma nodded. "I'll do that now."

Noah shook his head. "Not when you're with me."

She sighed exasperatedly. "Would you stop being jealous? He's gay!" Emma squirmed out of his hold, crawling over to the other side of the closet before facing him from her corner.

He wore a simple t-shirt and trousers. There was something about the way he sat on the ground, not moving, staring at her cautiously that did something to her heart.

"You're not wearing a suit," she stated, feeling dumb at the dryness in her throat.

He raised an eyebrow, leaning back on his elbows as if the floor was more comfortable that the damn bed.

"And you're not wearing trousers," he smirked when she gasped, closing her legs.

"I–it's hot!" She protested. "My t-shirt is long enough."

And she was wearing underwear.

"My t-shirt." He smiled. "It looks good on you."

Perhaps it was the heat in the closet. Or perhaps it was because no matter how much she acted as if his closeness bothered her – it actually didn't. Not really. Whatever it was, next thing she knew, she was sitting in front of him, staring at his relaxed face.

"Let me kiss you," she demanded, making him laugh softly as he laid down on the floor.

"I won't be able to control myself if you start something," he warned.

"You will. You always do. You just like it when you scare me." She smiled when he nodded. "Now let me kiss you and maybe I won't stop you."

He spread his arms, "All yours."

She'd always been his.


note: here's a teaser for the next chapter.

-Maya x

-Maya x

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