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"Wake up before I have to throw cold water on you again," a voice whispered before she felt a chaste kiss on her right cheek.

She whimpered, becoming slightly more alert at the promise in his tone. Still, it wasn't enough for her to get out of bed. Emma didn't think... there'd be so many times... in so many positions. She buried her face in the comforter, cheeks burning before she turned around to where he was standing, buttoning up his shirt.

Emma always saw him as cold, calculated – someone who was thoroughly alert at all times. The way he'd treated her, however, so gently and softly – with so much care – she never wanted last night to end. Too bad pain and tiredness had taken over pleasure by the fourth time.

Still, it was an unforgettable night. The effortless movements of his shoulders — his hips — it wasn't because he'd done this countless times before. No, he'd led her to believe it was because she was special.

And wasn't that comforting.

Too bad she was a little (a lot actually) occupied to realise that until it was nearing four am and she was too sensitive to let him to anything more.

Emma shook her head to get rid of how he looked last night. If she wanted to function normally today and not be a victim to Noah's jokes, she had to get a grip on herself, Resolve strong, she made a move to get up.

Only to fall back down.

"Come on," Noah said, extending a hand towards her after he threw his towel in the hamper, "it's nearing eleven, Emma. Let's have breakfast, okay? I ran a bath for you. Bubbles and all."

Emma thought hard. She couldn't let him know that she was unable to get up. Noah had to leave the bedroom and then she'd do the crawl of shame towards her bath. There were painkillers in the cupboard.

"No thank you," she said quickly, "I don't want to be an inconvenience. You can get started and I'll see you downstairs when I'm done?" She looked up at him hopefully.

For extra measure, Emma kissed his hand before bidding him goodbye.

I am a moron.

Instead of going away, his eyes narrowed and his lips pressed in a grim line. "Are you lying to me, Emma?"

He took a step forward, tilting his head to the side as she wrapped the comforter around her more tightly. Her breath quickened under his gaze. Whilst his glare did not faze her, his close proximity did things to her heart that made her question whether she was experiencing some heart condition or if it was just plain stupidity.


She gasped as he gently tugged the cover away from her body before sitting. "What's wrong, beautiful?"

Before she could answer, his lips were on hers – featherlight at first, sweet and gentle. Emma relaxed immediately, tension leaving her body. Slow heat rose between them again as she pushed a hand in his hair – there was something in messing up the neatly styled hair that made her heart flutter. Before she could lean up, he was pulling away.

He blinked slowly, taking in her flushed face as she tried to catch her breath before looking away and leaning back.

"When were you going to tell me it hurts?"


Her eyes widened, realising he'd kissed her to make her confess.

"You're not a good person," she hissed as he picked up her tense body before taking her to the bath. "If you make fun of me I'll cry." And she knew it was something he hated seeing the most.

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