weihnachten [ii]

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Emma had never gotten the chance to see snowfall before so to say she was excited would be an understatement of the century. Even Ms. Solomon did not have the heart to stop her from going out every five minutes. In fact, Noah wondered if she'd be as excited to open presents as she was to see the snowfall.

He grabbed her arm when she started to go out for the seventh time that morning, "That's enough, Emma. You're going to catch a cold."

He looked away when her eyes got glassy and pulled her back from the sliding door. Matthias moved in front of it. While Emma hadn't changed much – there were tiny instances where she would go against Noah. And no one wanted to witness them fighting on Christmas day.

"Please, sir – you don't have to give me anything – I just want to go one last time–"

"No," Noah interrupted before she could finish her sentence. "Let's go and open your gift."

He took her cold hand into his, making her let out a sheepish smile that he definitely did not find cute.

"Come on. It's upstairs."

She looked back outside sadly before following him with her head down. Noah ignored her. He was used to her sulking – well, kind of, anyway. It made him feel like an asshole and kept him up at night but at least he'd gotten it under enough control not to have Matthias or his mother ask if something was wrong.

"Are we going to your room, sir?" She gasped when they walked down the dimly lit hallway, "I have never been – oh, this is so exciting–!" She muffled her squeak with the hand that was not occupied by his.

He didn't answer. He didn't know how to handle someone like her. He had never met someone like her. The people in his circle did not get excited over little things like shiny ornaments or glass or coupons like she did.

And, coupons? Really?

Noah watched her as she looked around his room with wide eyes, taking in everything like they were in someplace extraordinary. It's just a room, was on the tip of his tongue but he stayed quiet.

He liked it when he made her happy.

He really, really liked it.

He pointed to the edge of the bed, "Sit down before you get dizzy from running in circles."

She did as she was told, finally bringing her attention to him as he brought her a wrapped box.

"Careful," he muttered, gently placing it next to her on the bed. "It's heavy."

Don't hurt yourself.

She opened it delicately, all the while gushing about how beautiful the gift wrap is. He was going to roll his eyes but she had finally unwrapped the gift.

And then the squealing and gushing really started.

Noah did expect this reaction. After all, he had Matthias go to Germany for this.

It was the Hansel and Gretal candy cottage in a glass box.

But that wasn't all. Of course not. This was nothing compared to what his Emma actually deserved.

He went closer and had to physically make her face him. "Remember that cottage I took you to?"

She smiled sadly before beaming.

"Yes, sir."

"It's yours now."

Of course he bought it.

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