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She didn't realise how much she relied on Anna and Conrad until she had to see Mr. Evans about her calculus test.

And when she finally found his classroom, she was out of breath and her face was as red as it had been this morning when Noah–

She shook her head. If she thought about him, she'd never be able to concentrate. So with that in mind she threw the door open–

Only to come face-to-face with Anna sitting on Mr Evans' lap.

There was a tense moment before both of them sprang apart, hastily fixing their clothes as Emma stood there with a curious look on her face.

"Did you fall?" Emma asked, shaking her head before turning to Mr Evans. "Don't worry, sir. I have given her piggy-back rides before. She's not that heavy. Your legs are probably not broken..."

Anna let out a snort before pulling Emma into a hug so tight it truly felt like her friend was trying to suck the oxygen out of her.

"I don't like it when you do that," Emma hissed when Anna pulled away and let her breathe again.

Granted it had been a long time since they saw each other but still. They spoke via email throughout Christmas break.

She turned to Mr Evans, her new calculus teacher before smiling awkwardly. "I got your email, sir. Sorry, I am late. I got lost five times because – well, I asked Mindy and she said your class was upstairs but when I asked Drew, he said it was downstairs so..." she shrugged helplessly, looking back at Anna. "Conrad had practice."

Anna looked at her guiltily before she kissed her cheek and went to sit on the chair near the window so they could go to lunch together.

"I wanted to call you in because," Mr Evans cleared his throat, looking at Emma as if he couldn't figure something out, "well, your paper last term had the solution to the proof I had written on the side board. I sent a picture of it to the professor at my university and he said it was absolutely correct – in fact, they would like to invite you to their annual ball and present you with an award, Miss Crawford."

Emma didn't know what annual ball or award was – well, she did in dictionary terms but imagining was a whole different affair. So she did what she knew best. She smiled.

"I am sorry but on that day my brother is taking me to the Hansel and Gretal cottage." And she made up an excuse.

Mr Evans raised an eyebrow, "But I didn't even tell you when it is."

"He takes me everyday." Emma was panicking now.

"Miss Crawford, are you okay?"

Emma held her breath and kept eye contact with her teacher, slowly backing away.

"Anna," she finally whimpered.

Anna got up from her seat, laughing her head off as she took her friend's shaking hand in hers before looking at Mr Evans.

"What did I tell you? You owe me," she said the last part in a whisper before pulling Emma out of the classroom. "Don't tell Conrad about me falling on Mr Evans, okay? He'll make fun of me."

Emma nodded, finally letting herself breathe.

Now it was time to face Conrad. She had tried to avoid him earlier but she knew from experience that doing so later came to bite her on the ass. So, she was finally going to talk to him.

"I'm going to stop being his girlfriend," Emma mumbled as they turned corner.

Anna chuckled.

"What did he do now?" She asked with a shoulder nudge. "Do I need to beat him up again?"

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