woodcutter's wife

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Gabriella Canalis sat down with a barely concealed wince, pointedly ignoring the bodyguards strewn around the room.

"You should really teach your security some manners, Mr Crawford. Keeping me cold and hungry will do you no good. Don't forget I was a part of William's company." Her tone was nonchalant as she glanced around subtly, watching people coming and going in lavish clothing, much like hers.

"Oh, you're hungry?" Noah mocked surprise, putting down his knife and fork. "Have some food," he motioned to the meal laid out in front of them. "I apologise it's not vegetarian but," he shrugged, "beggars can't be choosers."

Gabriella smiled, filling up a glass of wine. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her as anything other than strong. She had played William's game for too long. She wasn't going to play his son's as well. She had too much dignity fall into the same trap.

"Before I forget," he nodded his head at the waiter who took away Gabriella's plate. "We might have burned down your residence. I do respect what you did with it. My mother built her empire from the ground up as well – as I am sure you're aware. However, your lapdog – the one who has an unhealthy obsession with tarantulas – has Emmalynn. I thought I made it clear that she is my property now." He leaned forward with a smile. "Was I not clear, Ms Canalis?"

Her home...

"You are as cruel as William," she spat.

He smiled, leaning back in his chair as Gabriella's posture became more stiff.

"I am my father's son."

She laughed, tilting her head to one side. "But you're not," she murmured, leaning close. "You just wish you were. You wouldn't know blood relationships if they hit you in the face, darling."

He chuckled. Genuine humor shone in his eyes as he regarded her. "I'm okay, thank you." He shrugged. "If they're anything like your and Emmalynn's, I think I can do without them." When her eyes narrowed, he couldn't help but continue. "I am too used to all this luxury. Can't imagine myself living in a closet. Can you?"

She removed her hands from the table when her knuckles turned white before looking around the place. Noah could have picked another – a more isolated – place. Hell, he had the power to shut down this place just so he could have her alone.

Why didn't he?

Was he not worried about Emmalynn?

Gabriella scoffed internally. Of course he wasn't. He may act to the world as if he was William Crawford's son but he wasn't blood. He didn't care what happened to Emmalynn.

He just didn't want any loose ends.

"I can go to the press anytime, Mr Crawford. There's no infamous Crawford contract binding me." She finally spoke, bringing the glass of wine to her lips and taking a long sip. "You might have had a hero complex because he gave you shelter but let's not forget who he was. You're old enough to know that now, aren't you? You know Alexander has his eyes on Conrad Miller. William may be dead but he's left beasts behind. What I did to Emmalynn would be nothing compared to what Alexander does to Conrad. And I know for a fact you won't get involved."

Sue her. She was nervous. But Noah Crawford III made sure to know her activity. There was no use practicing what she had learned at the finishing school for twelve years.

"You can go to the press," Noah nodded, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling in his chest at the mention of Alexander. She was right. The man was a beast. But Noah had more pressing matters to attend. "There is no contract binding you." He agreed before leaning forward, face hardening subtly. "Every single person who works for me has to sign the Crawford contract. Don't you think I would have remembered that when I dealt with you, Ms Canalis? Did you really think I was ignorant? An imbecile? I know exactly what my father did to you. Not making you sign anything was me granting you freedom."

She let out a breath, faltering for a moment before she clutched the table. Gabriella only showed weakness once. It was behind closed doors. She was not about to change that.

"But I owe that man more than I owe anyone anything," he continued, making her look up. "So, please go to the press if you'd like. Being a billionaire does have its perks, you know? The moment you go to the press, your only source of income would be the tabloids who'd want to interview you. That's a promise, Ms Canalis. My generosity ended with not making you sign that contract."

She nodded after a long time, finishing her wine before looking into his eyes.

"Kevin left not long after Emmalynn." She tilted her head in thought. Perhaps if she was a good person, Noah would find her to be beautiful. But beauty decays with inner flaws... and she had too many. "They all stayed for as long as they did because of her." She smiled at him. "Your father made sure after he was done with his women, they wouldn't be able to function normally. I really wonder how Valeria escaped that fate." She shrugged after a moment, the glassy look in her eyes disappearing. "Last I heard he was frequenting the country club with Anderson. However, he was speaking to Appleton more. You might find something there." Her gaze was intense, as if she was trying tell him something. "Appleton's daughter is not much older than Emmalynn, Mr Crawford."

He looked at her calmly, not daring to give away the chaos that information had caused.

"Thank you for your time, Ms Canalis."


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