happy hour

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N O A H  &  E M M A


It took all he had in him to not pull her closer, take lead as she let herself mold into his body, gently nipping, biting at his lips softly so he'd grant her entrance. Emma glared at him for a second, making him laugh. Taking her chance, she slipped her tongue into his mouth, trembling slightly.

She whined involuntarily after a moment, frustrated at not knowing what to do.

"I have no ideas," she whispered shamefully, getting up to move back.

Noah pressed his lips together to stifle a laugh. She looked fucking adorable sitting there with a pout. "Wiki How didn't help?" He asked sympathetically before bursting out into a laugh as she slapped his chest.

Her face became beetroot red. "Y-you–"

"C'mere," he picked her up from the floor, "I might have some ideas."

He laid her down on the bed before following her gaze to the half open door and going over to lock it. If Matthias walked in on them one more time, he might just have to run his best friend over with the jeep.

All amusing thoughts vanished from his mind the second he turned around. She'd taken off his shirt and was sitting there in her underwear and bra.

"You're doing this on purpose," he stated as his eyes roamed over his body.

She shrugged innocently.

"I'm helping you," she stressed. "Easy access. What if your phallic organ becomes flaccid because taking off clothes isn't sexy?"

His eyes narrowed, making her gulp. "I'm prohibiting you from hanging out with Brandon ever again."

She bit her bottom lip, looking at him shyly from underneath her eyelashes as he stalked towards her at a leisurely pace.

"You'll–" she cleared her throat, flushing, "–be, ah – you'll be gentle, right? I'm nervous. I don't – it's not my first time but um– it'd be nice if you can...," she trailed off, shutting her eyes for a moment before smiling. "I don't know what I'm saying. I've done this before. You don't have to be careful, Noah."

Do whatever you want.

The pain in her words made his chest constrict. He wanted to kill everyone who'd hurt her again just so it'd go away. But that was wishful thinking. So he decided to use words for once.

"I've done it before as well." He forced himself to shrug because he knew unless he didn't make light of the situation when it was anything but, she'd never be at ease. "But you know what I've realised?" He kissed her forehead, smiling when she looked up at him. "Doing it — doing anything with the person you cherish more than your life — more than anything in this world — it's different. It's special in a way that's ineffable. Ergo, I'd consider you my first, Emma. And to be quite honest? I'm very nervous."

And somehow those words comforted her.

"Okay." She nodded.

"Yeah?" He raised an eyebrow.

She nodded, pulling him between her legs. "Show me your ideas."

Noah kissed her cheek, lowering his body so he hovered above her as she laid down. He unhooked her bra with a swift movement, letting his eyes drop as he kissed his way down.

Her hands clutched the soft, white sheets as he softly bit her inner thigh before giving her a lick. There was a heat building up in her belly that went all the way down to her toes. Emma let out a gasp as she felt a finger at her entrance. She stopped stirring and fidgeting for a moment, adjusting to the intrusion.

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