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It was handwritten, as if the person who wrote it was mocking Noah, and left smack dab in the middle of his office table. Noah had only seen Matthias lose his shit twice by now. The first time was years ago when Noah had been shot in the head and the second was when Emma had called that night.

Matthias had failed as a head of security.

And today Matthias lost his shit for the third time.

"How the fuck did you not see someone put this here?" He thundered as Noah sat back on his sofa, watching his security examine the letter.

His secretary trembled, backing away a little. "I was just taking a bathroom break–"

"You're fired," Matthias interrupted. "Get the fuck out."

He was on his security as soon as she left, barking orders left and right. It would have been amusing to watch if Noah didn't feel like he was battling life and death.


"It was your genius idea not to have CCTV here," Matthias cut in before Noah could continue. The security around the room froze for a second before resuming. "How the fuck am I supposed to work with this, Noah?"

Noah shook his head, getting up from where he was sitting and took the letter from one of his men. "That's the address where they're keeping Emma."

Matthias paused, giving Noah a perturbed look. "What are we doing here – how are you so calm?!"

With one look, the rest of the security moved out of the office. When the door clicked shut, Noah turned away and walked over to sit behind his desk.

"Arrange a meeting with the Hong Kong investors. Call Xavier Visconti and see if he's available tomorrow." Noah picked up the phone, dialing HR. "Oh, and get me a new secretary."

Matthias shook his head. "Where's Emma?"

"Get me Daniels," Noah said into the phone before hanging up and turning. "I didn't meet the deadline," he shrugged, a humorless smile gracing his lips. "Ms. Solomon had to take over."

"You did all the work!" Matthias shouted. "You called Visconti to use his resources–"

"That's enough, Matthias. Ms. Solomon is doing the right thing." A knock on his door made him look up, heart thundering. "Let's get back to work. Let Daniels in on your way out, please."

Matthias didn't move for a few moments.

"Yes, sir."


Visconti residence was not on the map.

It should have made Noah be on guard but these days, it was impossible to feel anything. He felt like a walking time-bomb. At least the businesses were thriving. With nothing else to do, he had started to work day and night again.

However, this trip was not work related.

"I didn't think you'd agree to help," he said when they got situated in his study.

It certainly looked different from the last time he was here. There was a splash of pastel which was very uncharacteristic of someone as stoic and deadly as Xavier Visconti. If Noah didn't like to keep tabs on everyone like his father, he would have been surprised by the addition of planners, glitter pens and sticky notes on Xavier's desk but he did. He knew it wasn't just Xavier who lived in this house anymore.

A year or so ago, Xavier had brought home a girl. Noah had stopped looking further into the case when he'd found out why. Unlike his father, he knew where the boundary was.

"Someone in this place likes to eavesdrop," Xavier tilted his head to one side, looking behind Noah with humor in his eyes. If it was shocking to see any other emotion on the man's face other than murder, Noah didn't comment. He too, was intrigued by the girl who thought she was doing a splendid job of hiding in the doorway.

It reminded him of–

"And we have a soft spot for the name of the person you wanted to find. It was a little difficult to say no. I don't think we owe each other after this, Mr Crawford."

Noah shook his head. "I owe you a lot."

Xavier shook his head. "No. Let's hope troubles do not arise after this and stick to doing business." He rolled his eyes as he looked towards the doorway once again. "You'll have to forgive the person eavesdropping on our conversation at the moment."

Even Noah couldn't help the small laugh that escaped his lips at that. The person in the doorway let out a noise of distress before Xavier beckoned her to him.

"This is Lydia." Xavier made the necessary introduction before pulling her on the sofa so she sat beside him.

Noah smiled at the way her eyes shone. It was a stark contrast to the first time he had seen her at his father's hospital.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Lydia." He knew not to extend his hand forward.

Xavier may have made a joke but he was still very possessive. Noah didn't want to take his chances. Now that the actual heir had refused to take the ownership of the company, it was all up to him to make sure thousands of people who worked under him didn't have to look for other jobs because he had been too stupid and shook hands with the lover of the most important man in the underworld.

"I just wanted to send cake for... Emma," she had trouble saying the name. And Noah could understand why. After all, it was the name of the daughter she had lost.

The girl sitting in front of him reminded him so much of her. He felt utmost envy that Xavier got to sit with someone whom he loved while he was not even allowed to know how she was.

"She would appreciate it very much," Noah took the box from her hands, careful not to touch her as Xavier watched. "Thank you very much, Lydia. Maybe you can visit her when she's out of the hospital."

She looked at him with wide eyes before looking at Xavier and then back at him.

"Sir said I cannot visit her because she stays with your mother who is very scary."

Xavier cupped her face. "What did I say about the things I tell you in the bedroom?"

"To not say them out loud," she spoke like it was a mantra before freezing. Then she let out an adorable squeak and jumped out of Xavier's grasp like a fish out of water. "Bye-bye, Noah!" Were the last words he heard from her that evening before everything went quiet.

"Well," Xavier looked smug with himself for scaring away his girlfriend, "there's an excuse to visit Emmalynn." He nodded towards the cake.

Noah laughed humorlessly.

"My mother will have someone take it from me at he gates."

Xavier smirked.

"My respect for that woman knows no bounds," he sighed, relaxing back. "She dismembered tarantula man before giving him to me. It was beautiful."

"Why not kill him herself?" Noah wondered out loud.

"One of the two things I am good at is murder. She knew that."

Noah didn't want to ask what the other thing was so he stood up, picking the cake box that Xavier was eyeing.

Rafa, his second in command, came out of nowhere with his keys and coat.

"See you in Hong Kong, Mr Crawford."


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