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Even after all these years, she turned to make sure Noah was by her side before she got out of their bed. The marble was cool under her feet as she crept downstairs after her quick shower.

She never really saw the point of baths anymore unless Noah joined her. There was also the fact that Xavier had scared her by telling her tales of people who were eaten alive by the drain monster. And she couldn't really tell anyone that. It was childish to be scared of things when she knew firsthand the real monsters were human. It especially didn't help when she was in pain from one too many rounds of Noah and had to soak in the bath tub the next morning.

It seemed as if Xavier lived to make sure Emma was scared of him for one reason or another. However, she was beginning to think it was his was of showing he cared. And getting back at her for stealing Lydia from time to time. He was as possessive as Noah – if not more.

Nonetheless, she was beginning to not be as scared of Xavier. Even though he was older than Noah, Emma could tell the both of them had become really close friends over the last few years even though no could replace Matthias.

And then there the fact that he had saved her when she needed it the most. How could a person like that be anything but good?

The phone rang just as she reached downstairs, making her heart beat a little faster. She still had to remind herself that Kevin was gone. Usually those close to her communicated with her via email but today was special.

Picking up Leonora, the rabbit Noah had gotten her after a lot of begging, tears and agreeing to let him do unexplainable things to her, she made her way towards the phone.

Matthias came out of the kitchen with a suspicious gleam in his eyes, staring at Emma as she picked up the receiver with a huge smile on her face.

"Lydia?" She asked as she gave Matthias an innocent shrug.

"I'm here," the girl on the other end rushed, "let's go, Emma! We have to be back by the time Noah wakes up or he's going to be angry with you. Christopher and Brandon are going to meet us at the cottage."

Emma nodded before verbally responding and hanging up.

"It's four in the morning, Emma." His voice was gruff, as if he'd just woken up.

However, given the fact that he was still wearing his suit, she'd say he was just coming back from somewhere. She wasn't really surprised. He headed Noah's security company and that took up a lot of his time. Especially since Noah's firm was merging with Xavier's. He didn't even accompany Emma when she did go out anymore.

"I know," Emma bit her lip, struggling under the weight of Leonora.

It wasn't that she was feeding him a lot. No, that'd be abuse. It was just that the rabbit was huge. She was sure Noah got her a ginormous rabbit so she'd be scared because the man was sadistic. However, the joke was on him because she loved the rabbit.

"Is Mr Crawford not accompanying you?" He asked gently as he came forward, taking the weight of the rabbit off her.

She smiled gratefully before shaking her head.

"I'm going to my cottage with Lydia and we're going to have my birthday breakfast. I should be back by ten so please, if Noah wakes up – not that he will because I made him drink an entire bottle of chardonnay last night – make sure he doesn't come to get me." She let out a breath as she put on her coat and boots before standing up.

Matthias let out a small laugh. "I'll keep him here."

Emma smiled before shuffling on her feet.

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