crab shells

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N O A H C.


Emma had probably agreed to come to C-III because she wanted to meet her father. The thought brought a bitter aftertaste as he leaned back in his chair, listening to the president in charge of his security company ramble on about the new Moroccan tracking anklet that will be used on inmates.

The talk about Crawford II would have to wait until tonight. If he got out in record time. These days, it seemed like Noah only saw Emma when she was sleeping.

He lifted his eyes from the presentation notes in front of him to search for Matthias who was already looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You wanted to add something, sir."

Noah resisted the urge to roll his eyes. One show of being human and the sleaze balls sitting on either side of him would go back to thinking he was incompetent to run the Crawford empire. Just like they had done after his father had passed away.

"Visconti Securities and C-III Corp will be merging in the coming months." Before anyone could raise anything, Noah continued. "I have not taken this decision lightly. This merge will not go forward without fully vetting the individuals. Background checks, references – Matthias Ricci will be taking everything into consideration. I trust that you'll go to him should any concerns are raised," he resisted the urge to smirk as Matthias glared at him from across the conference room. "The other businesses – especially the pharmaceutical companies will be affected if I devote all my time towards the merge so I'll be giving my position to Mr Ricci."

There was a collective murmur as everyone looked towards Matthias who actually managed to roll his eyes.

"Trust me, this is news to me as well," he muttered, getting up from his position and planting on a fake smile as he addressed the people in the room.

"I have spoken to Visconti employees and customers over the past month. While that is not a lot of time to be making such a huge decision, none of the interviews so far have raised alarms. Of course, the merger will occur when everyone is satisfied so there is no need to panic at the moment. Our financial expert," Matthias looked at the blonde haired man sitting next to Noah, "has analysed the past seven years of both companies and has also concluded the decision will be profitable."

A man on the other end of the table raised his hand. "Have there been issues with state or federal tax authorities?"

"None," Noah answered.

If there have been then his father and Xavier were extremely good at hiding them. However, investigation so far had not raised any concerns.

When discussion touched operation procedures, Noah stood up, lying about a meeting on the other end of town. There was only so much he could handle. Plus, it was Matthias' business now. Noah had never been interested in the security company. That did not mean he wasn't good at it – no. It hit too close to home.

Protecting people who he knew – had seen firsthand – were corrupt and did not deserve took a toll on him. His father did it without a problem. Matthias, too, did not bat an eyelash. Fifty percent of Xavier's income came from his security businesses. However, there was something in him that could not just sit there and provide security for those who he rather be dead.

Like Conrad's father.

He leaned back in his seat after telling Alessandro to take him back to the penthouse. It was nearing twelve am and he just wanted to lie down with her. Coming to C-III Corp brought back bitter memories. Memories he rather leave behind.

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