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"Is this where I pretend to be your boyfriend?" Conrad whispered as they tried to eye the lined cars as subtly as possible.

Anna snorted before elbowing her way into the middle.

"There are seven guns pointing at you – at least ones I can see. I didn't know you wanted to die so soon. Everything alright?"

As they bickered back and forth, Emma left to stand in front of Conrad. They wouldn't shoot her, right?

Hopefully not.

"My brother is leaving for a trip tonight so I have to go and spend time with him. See you guys on Monday!"

Her two friends stopped arguing for a moment to look at her.

"Does that mean you're throwing a party this weekend?"

"Give Noah a big smooch from me. It doesn't count as incest if you think about it."

Emma sighed, putting her freezing hands to her cheeks as they turned bright red.

"I am not doing either of those things. Goodbye."

With that she started making her way towards the car Matthias was standing in front of. He gave her a nod before opening the back door.

"Good afternoon to you as well, Matthias. Chilly, isn't it? I think so too. So tell me, do you get paid extra to laugh when my brother laughs or are you scared..." she trailed off as she entered the car and saw her brother sitting down on the other side, staring intensely at her. "No wonder it's extra cold," she whispered to herself before the door closed behind her.

They sat in stone cold silence for a few minutes, not even the moving car made a sound until Emma couldn't take it anymore.

"Are we going home, sir?"

"Are you not going to say hi?" He retorted.

Emma flushed, peeking at him from beneath her lashes.

"I thought you were angry," she whispered before scooting towards to him. "Hello, sir."

He pulled her closer until her back was flush against his chest before kissing her head and wrapping his arms around her.

"I missed you," he murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She tilted her head to the side. Was he using her words against her or did he genuinely mean it? Sometimes, he teased her just to see her get frustrated to the point of tears.

"Really?" Still she couldn't help but ask eagerly. "You did? You promise?"

Did that mean he liked her? Was she permanent, then? She really hoped so because she loved him. She didn't know what she'd do if he left her.

"I promise," he kissed her cheek before resting his chin on top of her head. "Let's have an early dinner before I have to leave."

Emma nodded eagerly, involuntarily snuggling into Noah before closing her eyes and letting sleep take over.



"What is this?" Emma asked as they sat down on the sofa to eat. Their mother would probably scold them if she was here but since she wasn't, Emma took full advantage. Sitting at a table was tiring and uncomfortable for her legs.

Sitting on the couch while she watched Commissaire Moulin was better.

Noah liked it as well.

Well, sometimes.

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